Well met Bounty Hunters. Below you will find the current list of available bounties.
Exclusive Bounties (claim in the comments below)

Lamton Fasa – Trask [CLAIMED]
Vehicle Theft and Bail Jumper. Low-level scum.
Rating: 8
Location: The tributary world of Trask
Bounty Issuer: RepSec
Wanted: Alive

Cassé Sonralla – Bakura [CLAIMED]
The teenage daughter of an influential Naboo nobleman, Cassé recently eloped with a peasant friend. Lord Sonralla offers a high price for the safe return of them both.
Rating: 10
Location: Bakura
Bounty Issuer: Lord Dastio Sonralla
Wanted: Alive

Rebolt – Corellia [CLAIMED]
A cruel, veteran enforcer for Lady Proxima’s White Worms. A former slumrat of the Worms has issued a bounty for his head.
Rating: 8
Location: Coronet City
Bounty Issuer: Okar Grent
Wanted: Dead
Redeemed by: @ciamango (Build 1 – Build 2)

Competitive Bounties (open to all)

Dissy Hust – Fondor
Low-level Shipjacker. Murder charges, armed robbery, ties to the Crymorah families. Likely changed identities, may be working in one of the shipyards to pass spec info to his old gang.
Rating: 5
Location: Fondor Shipyards
Bounty Issuer: New Republic Security
Wanted: Alive
Redeemed by: @shockwave-bricks (Build 1 – Build 2)

Claim Dissy hust