Well met Bounty Hunters. Below you will find the current list of available bounties.
Exclusive Bounties (claim in the comments below)

ZKR-3T – Vulcar
A droid carrying sensitive information has been stolen, and reprogrammed to serve as a miner on the sulfuric world of Vulcar. The previous owner is anxious to retrieve the memory core intact.
Rating: 5
Tracking Forb: Sulphur Pits of Vulcar
Bounty Issuer: The Azzameen family
Wanted: Intact memory core

Mortain Dom – Trigalis
A disgruntled New Republic agent involved with high standing politicians, and New Republic foreign affairs, wanted for illegal distribution of New Republic Intelligence.
Rating: 5
Tracking Forb: Last known location was a small town in the swamps, called Siruj.
Bounty Issuer: Scaparus Security (intermediary)
Wanted: Alive (off the records, preferably dead)

Sril Sintos – Nar Shaddaa
A high profile slicer, wanted for unsolicited accessing of authority closed records, and illegal distribution of data probes.
Rating: 5
Tracking Forb: Baruk’s penthouse estate.
Bounty Issuer: Filk Dasana, Lt. of Kabani the Hutt
Wanted: Dead or Alive

Vorace Valan’dondora – Nar Kreeta
An Atrisian prince/con-artist, wanted for embezzlement, debt and tax evasion, across several core worlds. Extra credit bonus for discretion.
Rating: 5
Tracking Forb: Last seen in a private Nar Kreeta club and gambling parlor.
Bounty Issuer: Anonymous Atrisian aristocrat
Wanted: Alive

Garnelio Sunck – Columex
A terrorist bomber wanted for crimes on Blybos, where he blew up a BlasTech factory and killed over a dozen workers.
Rating: 10
Tracking Forb: Recently arrived on Columex, after some time in hiding on Jakku.
Bounty Issuer: Blybos Security
Wanted: Dead or Alive

Dast Jipoyin – Roon

An accused “false Mandalorian,” Jipoyin is wanted for the theft of the family armor of Mandalorian Bant Kapal.
Rating: 10
Location: The mysterious, nearly unfindable world of Roon
Bounty Issuer: Bant Kapal, of Clan Awaud
Wanted: Dead or Alive
Competitive Bounties (open for everyone)

Jaston Varl – Vaklin
A notorious slave merchant wanted for abducting force sensitive children, from families in Vaklin Zenith. Several children are unaccounted for, presumed shipped offworld. Any information leading to the children’s safe return will be rewarded.
Rating: 10
Tracking Forb: The ancient cliff-side city; The Howling Ruins.
Bounty Issuer: Vaklin authorities
Wanted: Dead or Alive

Jaf Delucar – Daiyu
A mentally deranged former CorSec security officer, wanted for murder and manslaughter on several core and colony worlds, including Byblos, Condular and Balosar.
Rating: 5
Tracking Forb: Last seen in the depths of Daiyu city.
Bounty Issuer: Santhe Security (intermediary)
Wanted: Dead or Alive

Igio Haarr – Zeltros
Holovid Actor who got involved with a spice ring, Haarr is wanted by Lantilles Security for Trafficking, Possession of Illegal Substances, and possible connections to the Pykes.
Rating: 8
Location: Still spends his time around the holovid industry on Zeltros.
Bounty Issuer: Lantillies Security
Wanted: Alive

Sed Teix – Cantonica
High price from a shady client, no other information given. Likely hanging around the Canto Bight casinos.
Rating: 5
Location: Canto Bight
Bounty Issuer: Unknown Client
Wanted: Dead or Alive
Spud The Viking – Vorace Valan’dondora – Accepted
Claiming ZKR-3T—Vulcar
Claiming Garnelio Sunck – Columex
Sorry. It seems Nutttter Butttter has already claimed Garnelio Sunck. Maybe pick another?
Claiming Mortain Dom – Trigalis
Mortain-Dom Trigalis
oskarfaze – Sril Sintos – Nar Shaddaa