[Admin] Entry Score | 19 XP
Assault on Bakura
Having successfully passed the Czerka blockade, NRSC operatives launch an assault on a Czerka communications facility in the streets of Salis D'aar.
Full story hopefully to come soon. Comments and criticism are appreciated!
Great street scene! 👍
ARGO Industries employee
Beautiful build! I love the balcony on the right side and the use of brick separators is great!
Incredible build, I really like the detail all over and the damaged sections of street and building are a realistic touch
Beautiful scene, with lots of brilliant details. You've actually managed to use the brick separator in a way that doesn't feel forced. Nice!
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries
Magnificent! The details and techniques for each building stand out as lovely to look at, and then, in addition, the whole scene flows really well, and the action reads the way it should. Shoutout to the ruins, that's harder to do than it looks, and it looks great.
Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order
[Admin] Entry Score | 19 XP
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries