[Admin] Entry Score | 20 XP
The Harad’s Remnant’s invasion of Jabiim was jeopardizing the Stygian Society’s supply lines through the Triellus Trade Route. It was still too early for the Society to reveal themselves, but regional Imperial Remnants loyal to the Society, and the local Jabiimi nationalists proved to be more than enough military power to break the invaders.
An IDMR Science General delivering reinforcements to Jabiimi nationalists at the front lines.
Unlucky Jabiimi nationalist...
Experimental TIE Walker - Front
Concept that inspired the walker
Not my best work. I got stuck between the idea of trench warfare, and the 32-stud height requirement. A learning experience I guess! ':)
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries
Amazing as always! Great TIE walker!
ARGO Industries employee
Wonderful build, and I like the industrial feel, the walker is very cute! Nice composition and fig positioning.
Your composition is great as always; this could have been very messy and it's not. The different levels feel kind of...cute! Like a platformer video game. I love the TIE Walker, perfectly absurd and absolutely something the Empire would build. The photos look great, the detail is satisfying, and the figs and positioning are fun and interesting to look at. Great job!
Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order
So much action in this build, it all comes together really well. As others have said the layers work really nicely and the TIE walker is awesome!
[Admin] Entry Score | 20 XP
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries