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[Solved] (Episode II - CAT B) Blockade Run over Bakura

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Rising Member Gran Brother's Industrial Salvage Faction Leader
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Blockade Run above Bakura


An NRSC Corellian-made Blockade Shuttle dogfights a modified Czerka-owned Vulture-class starfighter in the space above Bakura.

Full Story
[Chapter 2 - The Blockade

“Orrin! I need your scrawny ass up here now!” The shout from the cockpit awoke the passengers, who until now had been snoozing on the scattered crates and supplies in the hold.

The burly, red-bearded soldier grinned at Ja’rel, then clambered to his feet. “On my way, Grandma!” Orrin yelled. He swayed slightly as the ship rocked under laser fire, made his way to the cockpit, and slid into the seat. “What do you need, Grandma?”

“Grandma” was anything but a fitting nickname. The pilot, whose real name was Vexa Donarri, was barely in her 30s, with a slim face and short black hair. But her authoritative flying, kindly off-ship demeanor, and penchant for snacks had given her the new name. “Strap in then get me a reading on the shields. And check the status on our U-Wing companions.”

Orrin pulled a heavy belt over himself. He tapped a few keys and, after a few seconds, looked up. “Shields holding at 94%. And both U-Wings remain in formation, 15 seconds behind.” 

“Good.” She flinched as another round of enemy fire shot past the cockpit. “We’re about halfway through the blockade and they’ve just noticed us. How’re our guests doing?”

Orrin glanced back at the cargo hold. The Twi’lek, Ja’rel, was as pale as a Kaminoan and appeared to be clutching onto a crate for dear life. Conversely, the Iktotchi and the three other commandos were totally at ease, lounging and moving with the ship. Orrin laughed. “Yeah, they’re all right.”

“Alright, we’re three-quarters through. A few more ships and we’ll be good. How’re the shields?”
“88%, holding ste--” His head shot back up, staring into space. “We’ve got incoming! Enemy fighters, 3 o’clock!”

“Hang on, everyone!” Grandma deftly jerked the throttle to the left. The squat shuttle responded quickly and spun out of the way. Seconds later, the space where they had been was filled with laser fire and torpedoes. The enemy fighters spiraled past them, close enough to see the pilot of the lead ship.

Orrin could’ve sworn he heard someone throwing up in the hold, but he had bigger problems to worry about. Grandma’s voice snapped him back to said problems.

“Those looked like old Vulture droids to me. Like the Seppies ones.”

Orrin scoffed. “I’ve never seen a Vulture fly like that.”

Grandma shook her head. “Neither have I. But I think I saw a pilot in one of them. They must be heavily modified, to still be functional.” She paused for a second. “Orrin, get on the main cannon. And call in the U-Wings. Let’s finish this quickly.”

Orrin grinned fiercely. He opened a targeting screen and pulled up his joystick. “Come in Topside, this is the Vital Mynock, advance to our position. Repeat, advance to our position.”

The two heard footsteps leading from the hold. Orrin looked back to see Ja’rel stumbling to the cockpit entrance.

“What’s going on?” she asked, taking a deep, shuddering breath.

“You’d better strap in, Ja’rel,” he said. “It’ll get worse before it gets better.” Seeing her confusion, he added, “We’ve got enemy fighters. Vulture-class.”

She nodded and, swaying, made her way back to the cargo hold. She quickly relayed the information to the commandos, then went to look for a seat of some kind.

Orrin nodded. “Alright, that’s been taken care of.” He pointed at the viewscreen. “Here they come.”

Grandma nodded but held course. For what felt like an agonizing amount of time, she flew straight at them, but in the last seconds, she swerved. Quickly, she fired two torpedoes and dove down to dodge. The Vultures flew above her as they dodged, but still managed to get shots off. Their fire rocked the cockpit, and the shuttle shook dangerously with the impact.

“Now, Orrin! You’ve got a clear shot.”

Whump-Whump! Whump-Whump! The shuttle’s turret swung around and fired shot after shot at the regrouping fighters. The tail end of the volley struck the lead fighter in the engine, and it exploded in a shower of sparks and flames. The two remaining Vultures peeled off from the wreckage and arced around, preparing to pincer the Mynock.

“Got one!” Orrin shouted. “But our shields are down to 32%. We can’t sustain much more of this!”

“She can take it.” Grandma gritted her teeth. “They’re coming around again. Get ready.”

Orrin leaned into the targeting screen. He shook his head. This is it, he thought. We had a good run. He prepared to fire, as the fighters honed in.

Thankfully, he never needed to, as the U-Wings picked that moment to show up. Laser fire swept past the Vital Mynock on both sides, and moments later both Vultures exploded.

“Yeah!” Orrin shouting, pumping his fist. “Way to go, Topside! You really saved our asses.”

Captain Brackett’s voice came through the comlink. “Happy to help, Mynock.” He paused. “Of course, we still need our technician. We’ll see you on the surface.”

“Copy that.” Orrin laughed and looked over at Grandma. “Hell of a day.”

“I told you she’d make it. Hell, I modified her myself.” She leaned back in her chair and sighed, then turned around, addressing the passengers. “We’re through.”

Comments and criticism appreciated!

This topic was modified 3 years ago 2 times by Vertaro
Posted : 01/07/2022 5:18 am
The Stuartn reacted
Posts: 302
Reputable Member Followers of the Force Faction Leader

That's an excellent NRSC ship! I love the contouring of the cockpit

Posted : 02/07/2022 8:10 pm
The Stuartn
Posts: 216
Reputable Member New Republic 3rd Fleet

Amazing builds, I really like the freighter, and the great upward angles of the sides and nice shaping of the cockpit section


Posted : 04/07/2022 12:25 am
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader

The vulture looks a little comedic - maybe it's too bulky? Anyways, the shuttle totally makes up for this! Great angles - and overall the shuttle conceptually is great!

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 05/07/2022 11:07 am
Posts: 478
Honorable Member Admin Followers of the Force, Faction Leader

How did I miss this one before? That shuttle! Those round edges! That thing is amazing. I'll echo that the vulture looks a little silly, but honestly maybe it's just silly in-universe too. It's kind of bulky in a bad way. The shuttle, on the other hand, is bulky in a very very good way.

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 05/07/2022 4:05 pm
Posts: 229
Reputable Member Followers of the Force

That cockpit shaping is amazing. I'd love to see a front on shot at some point. You're using clear flags, right? 

Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order

Posted : 06/07/2022 1:26 am
Posts: 20
Rising Member Gran Brother's Industrial Salvage Faction Leader
Topic starter

Thanks for the feedback everyone! Yeah, I admit the vulture droid was a bit rushed due to both time and part availability; I'd love to improve it in the future.

@eyrezer Those are flags, yes. I actually just posted a few more pictures of the shuttle on flickr.

Here is (hopefully) the front view:



Posted : 06/07/2022 2:51 am
Eyrezer reacted
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader

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GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 06/08/2022 8:50 pm