[Admin] Entry Score | 7 XP
Captain LT-464: REPORT
We were three hours into our sweep of the perimeter when a friendly TIE Striker entered the airspace above us, tailed by two enemy TIEs equipped with H-s9.3 cannons. By visually tracking the Tie Striker I calculated that it would be out of range of the enemy’s guns within a 10 second window. The hostile fire power was extreme but inaccurate and after landing two hits, all three fighters disappeared over the next ridge. IG-22 picked up a distant explosion with its audio sensors but failed to visually confirm the crash site. The rest of the patrol was uneventful.
Confirmed Kills: 26
Sector J8 is secure and safe for the arrival of non-droid combatants.
I love how you put starfighters in a ground shot!
Nice build, I like the creative perspective, and the landscape textures
Thanks guys, had fun making it!
[Admin] Entry Score | 7 XP
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries