[Admin] Entry Score | 8 XP
Previously: Briefing aboard the Akul's Bite
Reinforcing Rishi
Fresh from operations in the Maldrood sector, Captain Matari of the Volunteer 3rd Fleet was quick to respond to a call for support in the Rishi system. While the Togrutan had never heard of the Nihil, slavers seemed increasingly active across the fringe. How could she not respond? Matari's flagship was the Akul's Bite, a modified Nebulon-B frigate, named after a fearsome predator from her homeworld.
Matari was keen to test the ship's new capabilities and blood its additional armaments, and an opportunity presented itself almost immediately after reverting to realspace. Even before the Akul's Bite could rendezvous with the other components of the 3rd Fleet (the Benevolence, the Scarab and the Zenith) they encountered a bulk freighter. It had the characteristic trapezoidal shape of a BFF-1, although with a far more diverse colour scheme. Scans indicated the freighter was full - full of lifeform readings - slaves presumably.
As Matari ordered her ship to intercept the freighter, she noticed two other craft peel away from the freighter and toward the her frigate. Their design was bizarre - like nothing she'd seen before. They appeared almost organic in design with a deep green hull that appeared heavily pock-marked. Each craft had a large diamond-shaped fore and what looked like four phalanges around the aft. The ships continued to accelerate toward the Akul's Bite - in fact, accelerating to ramming speed!
Build notes
I based the freighter off this BFF-1 bulk freighter:
The organic ships are actually the arms of my Dracos character! Bricklink entry is here.
I wasn't really happy with my first version of the Nebulon-B, not least the giant single piece cone at the front. The one-day extension to Episode II gave me a chance to improve it to a point where I'm actually happy with it!
Thanks for looking.
Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order
Great build, I really like the freighter and genius use of those green pieces for the small ships
The Nebulon is a big improvement. I'm glad you slimmed it down
Put it on a diet!
Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order
I really like that cargo ship - the concept behind is AWESOME. Someone should make it in minifig scale. NPU with the arms as ships.
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries
@darth-bjorn now there's an idea!
Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order
[Admin] Entry Score | 8 XP
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries