[Admin] Entry Score | 9 XP
Over the pirate haven planet of Rishi, Captain Willem Hil, of the Third Fleet vessel FF Scarab is in crossfire with a heavily armed Nihil warcruiser. Initially on instructions from Admiral Barion Raner to patrol the space around the Rishi moon to search for breakouts from the scions’ blockade, the crew of the Scarab were caught off guard by the Nihil warship which emerged from behind the moon.
The battle from outside: https://swfactions.net/community/episodeii/episode-ii-cat-b-ambush-over-rishi/
During a short brief on the planet Rishi and other data collected on their scouting mission, the lookout spotted something in the distance and hurried over on his short legs to officers who stood in the centre of the bridge around a holotable that showed the Rishi system, moons, like the one nearby, included.
“Cap’n! There be a menacing grey blob on de horizon!” the small lookout shrieked.
“Let me see,” Lieutenant Dorn grumbled, taking the binoculars from the Mon Calamari and briskly striding over to the viewport. He nodded, handed the binoculars back to the squimish officer who hopped on his long legs to grab them, and the rejoined the briefing.
“Captain, the lookout has seen a Nihil warcruiser emerge behind the nearby moon, data for which I just verified. Seeing that our instructions from Admiral Raner clearly state that this a reconcissance mission, we must pull back and alert the fleet,” Dorn stated to hunched commanding officer.
He smiled at the lieutenant and stroked his hideous, snowy beard with his free hand, the spoke. “Suggestion noted but that’s a negative Dorn.”
“All starboard guns prepare to rattle ‘em!” Hil ordered the weapons officer.
“Captain,” Dorn said, infuriated but attempting to keep himself in line. “This is inconceivable…”
“Lieutenant, I believe you forget that he was a pirate, inconceivable isn’t a word that he recognizes,” the other Lieutenant, a Rishi, interrupted.
Before the Zabrak or Rishi could finish their statements or the weapons officer could prepare the guns, the bridge shook violently as the Nihil wat cruiser pelted them with a fierce barrage.
“Sir with all due respect, we can’t match them in firepower and have no fighters at the ready as many have already been defeated. Any form of victory is completely and absolutely inconceivable, we will be crippled or destroyed in this fight! Therefore, we must immediately retreat before the Nihil Warcruiser prevents any sortie on our part and immediately alert the Admiral!”
One of the Scarab’s other leading officers, a native of Rishi, spoke up. “I disagree with Lt Dorn, I can’t watch the Nihil destroy my homeworld anymore, we must make our stand! There could be thousands of inslaved people onboard that dread vessel.”
Hil seemed to simply ignore both of his officers and walked passed the glowing holotable to the command chair, which he slowly sat in. Setting his cane aside, he pressed a button on the armrest and grabbed the intercom.
“This is yer captain speakin‘. I know, I know y’all this situation may seem bleak, nigh insurmountable, but I fully trust y’all’s ability to surmount said insurmountable situation,” he drawled. The data officer quickly handed him a short readout of the enemy ship.
“Accordin’ to this ‘ere tech readout, provided by Officer Piutfa, indicates that this fell ship be one o’ the chief Nihil warcruisers. Let’s kill this beast!”
“This is madness,” Dorn muttered, even though the Scarab’s guns were beginning their bombardment to great success. Then, he turned to the squadron pilot. “Sergeant Beedo, prepare Turquoise Squadron for battle.”
“Yessir,” the Rodian swiftly replied before dashing out of the bridge. In the background, the crew cheered as the Nihil vessel began to stall and drift downwards with thick smoke trailing behind.
“Maybe victory can be achieved,” Dorn mused before joint the Captain at his station.
New Jedi Order
I love the crew stations and the view of space in the viewports!
I really like the crescent shape and nice figure design
Neat little scene. I'd maybe use the stickers a little more deliberate - it is a very Ubrikkian branded vessel... 🤣
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries
The build is great (I especially like the chairs), it does a lot with a little footprint, and the space view is perfectly incorporated. I really like how the photos themselves look, too.
Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order
@darth-bjorn the latest corporate sponsors of the FF 😉😅
Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order
[Admin] Entry Score | 9 XP
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries