Episode II: [Cat C]...
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[Solved] Episode II: [Cat C] Did We Need Another Ship?

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Posts: 48
Trusted Member Haelos Star Yards
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[Admin] Entry Score | 8 XP

  And suddenly, there was silence. Where a moment before, there had been commotion, it seemed oddly calm, almost peaceful. A figure could be seen crouching, holding a small silver disk in one hand, and holstering a blaster with the other.

  Hayk's beskargam caught some of the dim light.

  Three droids lay in various states of disrepair. One lay motionless, with a metal blade handle protruding from it. A second slumped in a command chair with a scorched hole through it's torso. The third droid reached out one arm, with a dying light flickering in it's eyes. The grasping arm lowered to the ground as the light went out, leaving dark in it's wake as if the light had never been there. A small blue light cast silhouettes on the wall as a holo-communicator's image crackled.

  Hayk spoke into the device.

  'Please tell the Duchess that we have another ship.'

  A figure came in to focus, and a voice along with it.

  'Who is this? This is a closed Mandalorian frequency. Do you have something to report?' the voice said cautiously.

  'Hayk Kuarris. I am on board one of Czerka's ships in orbit around Bakura. Or should I say... one of their former ships. I'll leave the bay doors open if someone wants to fly this thing for now. I'm heading down to help out the ground forces.'







This topic was modified 3 years ago by RocketBoy
Posted : 26/06/2022 1:27 am
mike31 and goatman461 reacted
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader

The first shot is beautiful! You don't realise the work put into the angles of this - nice with the second shot to show how it's put together.. 👍 

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 04/07/2022 12:08 pm
Posts: 56
Rising Member Mandalorian

As above, I know the lengths you went to construct this and the end result is well executed

Posted : 04/07/2022 3:20 pm
Posts: 478
Honorable Member Admin Followers of the Force, Faction Leader

[Admin] Entry Score | 8 XP

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 01/08/2022 5:00 pm