[Admin] Entry Score | 7 XP
Somewhere above Bakura, the crew of the Exrevenant, as well as a few members of Rouge Squadron, and some helping hands, discuss how to liberate Bakura from the clutches of the Czerka Corporation.
SW Factions EPII Cat C Command Bridge Short Action Shot Fu… | Flickr
SW Factions EPII Cat C Command Bridge Short Holotable Clos… | Flickr
SW Factions EPII Cat C Command Bridge Short Pilots Closel | Flickr
SW Factions EPII Cat C Command Bridge Short Action Shot Be… | Flickr
SW Factions EPII Cat C Command Bridge Short Merc Close up | Flickr
I am glad I could even submit anything, if I'll be honest. I was flooded with work, personal live, as well as my first Convention outside of country (I *do not* know how y'all manage it XD)
SW Factions EPII Cat C Command Bridge Short Front | Star War… | Flickr
SW Factions EPII Cat C Command Bridge Short Right | Star War… | Flickr
SW Factions EPII Cat C Command Bridge Short Back | Star Wars… | Flickr
SW Factions EPII Cat C Command Bridge Short Left | Star Wars… | Flickr
Powered by Radioactive maple syrup!
OCs are:
George Kana-Yen, Rouge (Not Rogue) 11
Vargus Tinks, Field Weapons Engineer
Sergeant Sasha Bonteri, NRSC Commando
I'm impressed you were able to get this out. I think working in that feedback you asked for really helped make this as clean as possible. It looks great.
(It's weird that your flickr links didn't auto-embed.)
Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order
[Admin] Entry Score | 7 XP
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries