(Reposted to try and fix spoiler)
Briefing aboard the NRSC Intelligence frigate Vector.
An NRSC admiral briefs intelligence commandos over an operation on Bakura.
Full story hopefully to come later.
Comments and criticism appreciated!
I love the front of this! The shaping with the flex tube is just excellent
Great build, I really like the curved front section and the holotable is excellent!
Thanks guys, I appreciate it!
I've finished the story, as well, but the spoiler feature got messed up, so I'll post it here, in the reply.
If someone were to ask Ja’rel Viga what life on the Vector was like, she’d give them one word: routine. Others might use boring, dull, or monotonous, but not Ja’rel. To her, a routine life was a good one. She was quite content to leave the adventures to everyone else who came and went on the Vector. The closest she cared to get to danger were the reports that showed up on her desk, ready to file.
Today started no different. She skimmed through intelligence reports for useful information, usually finding none, checked that comms were operating normally, and updated fleet positions. She understood that while these tasks might be boring, they were important. It was a good cause, patrolling the galaxy for Imperial remnants, and someone had to have the “desk job.” A young Ja’rel might have viewed life differently, would have wanted to travel the stars, but adult Ja’rel wasn’t so naive. In fact, ever since--
“Lieutenant Viga!”
A stern voice interrupted her thoughts. She looked over to see Commander Faldan walking towards her. Behind her, a small group were clustered around the holotable.
“Commander?” Ja’rel asked.
Commander Faldan stopped at the balcony, looking down at Ja’rel. “You have experience with communications devices, correct?
“Yes, sir, four years in--”
“Good. The Admiral would like to speak with you.”
Ja’rel started. She hadn’t had many interactions with Admiral Pine, since he mostly kept to the main bridge, but she knew him as a harsh, no-nonsense, typical naval officer. “Y-yes, Commander, at once.” Hastily, she gathered up her gear, then stood up and headed for the briefing table. She paused, looking back at her computer, almost longingly.
Commander Faldan noticed her pause and smiled. “Don’t worry, Ja’rel, I can take over for a moment. My eyes haven’t gone quite yet.”
Ja’rel chuckled, then nodded and headed towards the holotable.
Admiral Pine looked up as she approached. He was a tall man, with thin cheeks and a reddish goatee that framed a small scowl. “You must be Lieutenant Viga,” he said without question.
Ja’rel nodded. Her green lekku bounced slightly.
“Good.” He gestured to the other man at the table, a large, muscular human. “This is Captain Brackett. NRSC Intelligence. He’ll be leading a squadron behind enemy lines on Bakura, to take out a communications facility. We have reason to believe it’s been interfering with contact between our surface operatives. Lieutenant, Commander Faldan told me you have experience in this sort of technology.”
“Yes sir, over four years in--”
“Good. Pack your gear, you’ll be leaving within the hour.”
Ja’rel was stunned. Here she was, a naval technician, used to ship life, going on a mission. On a planet. Against a real enemy. Dazed, she headed for the cabins. This was a new one for her
Comments and criticism are appreciated (and I hope I got the spoiler working :D)!
The build was great - but the story was better! Please keep writing like this!!! One of the best stories from the episode, hands down
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