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[Solved] Anti-Aircraft Crew on Savareen [Episode III, Part 1]

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Captain Havok
Posts: 140
Reputable Member Bryx Security Bureau Faction Leader
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The Unistar backed shipments to Savareen had been increasing over the last few months. It became clear to SCS Command that they were preparing for a hostile takeover of the planet. In order to protect the Imperial assets on the ground, dozens of anti-aircraft guns were set up along the 20 mile beach head. Their orders were to blast any ship with yellow markings out of the sky. It wasn’t long before the enemy cargo ships started arriving with starfighter escorts. 


“2 targets on the horizon” yelled the spotter with his macrobinoculars held up to his eyes. 

The stormtrooper manning the gun stood up and recalibrated the gunsight settings. “Distance: 5000 feet. Height: 650 feet” he called out.

The spotter relayed the changing distance in response. “4900 feet…4800 feet…4700 -“ 

“Target acquired” confirmed the gunner.

The twin barrelled gun fired short controlled bursts, pausing intermittently to recalibrate its aim. 

“Hit” yelled the spotter over the noise as the crew watched the cargo ship nose dive into the ocean. There were some jeers and pats on the back for the gunner before the spotter interrupted them with an update.

“The escorts not turning around” he warned. “2900 feet”

The gunner snapped his attention back to his weapon and readjusted the targeting system. He fired and watched the blue laser blasts sail over the fighter bearing down on them.

“He’s dropping low” shouted the spotter.

“These guns weren’t made for hitting fighters” thought the gunner, missing again.

“1500 feet and closing!”

“I need a reload!” yelled the gunner.

The fighter was nearly close enough to see the pilot inside the cockpit now. His weapon systems were in range and in seconds he had lit up the beach forcing the anti-air crew to hit the deck. The gunner kept firing.

“HIT!” he yelled as the smoking fighter crashed into the tree line behind them.

Dusting themselves off, they waited for the explosion. None came. 

“No fire” said the spotter grinning. They called it in and the remains of the fighter were recovered. The pilot was in pieces but the fighter was still partially intact. 

“IDMR are gonna have a field day with this” said the gunner. “They’ve been looking for a Unistar fighter since that pilot defected.”

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This topic was modified 2 years ago by Darth Bjorn

Bryx Security Bureau | Faction Leader

Posted : 31/12/2022 10:54 pm
Posts: 231
Reputable Member Bryx Security Bureau

Sick idea and storyline (love the dramatic effects). The cannon and the crew are cool too!

Posted : 01/01/2023 7:08 pm
Posts: 302
Reputable Member Followers of the Force Faction Leader

Very clean look! I like the trooper carrying ammo

Posted : 10/01/2023 5:35 am
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader

This entry has earned 11XP

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 11/01/2023 2:24 pm