(Episode III) Burni...
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[Solved] (Episode III) Burning Hatred

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Volunteer Fleet Internal Incident Report DH-111239
Security Clearance: Besh
Name(s) of Personel Involved: Lt. Pun Lubl, Sgt. Mishi Qalla, Cpl. Capar Dadek (Deceased)
Investigating Officer: Lt. Tany Caze
Location: Arkanis System, Mustafar, Sector 418-22-7
Time of Incident: Between 0600-0700.
Description of Incident:
Cpl. Dadek was scheduled for patrol in north trenches of base camp, noted missing from scheduled patrol route one half hour after patrol began. When reached by comlink, Dadek responded with a message his superior officer, Lt. Lubl, found suspicious. Lubl and Sgt. Qalla went searching for the Corporal and found him diverted from his path to orbital uplink 22-7, where the Corporal was allegedly uploading positional data for the 2nd Fleet to an unknown third party.
Based on testimony from Sgt. Qalla, Corporal Dadek explained his actions as the result of having been contacted by a representative of the UniStar corporation who offered to extend unofficial aid to the Volunteer Fleet. Dadek had signed an agreement with the corporation to provide necessary information for receiving this aid. Lt. Lubl became incensed by what he interpreted to be treason. After an argument, the Lieutenant shot and killed Corporal Dadek with a shot from his issued sidearm. Dadek stumbled after impact and fell into a nearby lava drift, where his corpse ignited and soon disintegrated. The sound of the blaster shot was investigated by a nearby patrol, who, per procedure, brought Lt. Lubl and Sgt. Qulla in for questioning.

(More story to come, I'm just making sure I get all these posts up first.)

Thanks for looking!

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Darth Bjorn

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 31/12/2022 6:52 pm
Posts: 302
Reputable Member Followers of the Force Faction Leader

Very nice, I like how all of the figures appear to be illuminated with an orange glow from the lava. Let us know when you update the story!

Posted : 11/01/2023 5:25 am
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
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GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 11/01/2023 9:18 pm