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[Solved] Fueling rumours on Rishi

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Fueling rumours on Rishi

Vult was desperate to find his brother, but he knew he was chasing a months-old trail. The Kel Dor's brother had been on Rishi when it was assaulted by merciless slavers, known as the Nihil. But after the Nihil were defeated by combined forces of native Rishi, assorted colonists, and the Volunteer Third Fleet, most of the captured citizens were returned. Vult's brother, however, never resurfaced. Some of the locals whispered rumors that other settlers that never returned had instead been sold off to corporate types. 

No one seemed to know exactly which corporate, but Vult was chasing a tip that led him to a remote refueling station in the backwaters of Rishi: a local chieftainess was also trying to find her missing daughter - and claimed to know who had bought slaves. Could this be the tip Vult needed? 

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The Rishi air speeder


I hope you enjoy. I tried to include a few references to previous builds on Rishi, such as BrickMadSam's palm trees and Harrison's crate. Here's the Flickr link.

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Darth Bjorn

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Posted : 17/12/2022 3:44 am
Darth Bjorn
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GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 11/01/2023 8:16 pm
Posts: 302
Reputable Member Followers of the Force Faction Leader

I love the trees and the speeder! And the rockwork is excellent

Posted : 14/01/2023 3:58 pm