Orders to Depart...
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[Solved] Orders to Depart...

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Commander Termach and the troopers of Nemus squadron were marching past the remains of a small farming module while on patrol on the planet of Atrisia when the encrypted orders came through.

Lieutenant Carbol watched Termach listen intently before switching off his comm and turning to the rest of the squadron.

“All right everyone, listen up! Our scouts have captured a smuggler running weapons outside of the Endor system. They haven’t been able to get much out of him, but he eventually told our scouts that he was hired by someone else whose identity we haven’t identified yet. He also *ahem* voluntarily told them where he was sent from. They recommended that we go clean that place out and see what we can find out about this smuggling operation.”

“I see,” replied Carbol, “What are your orders?”

“Tell the rest of the 457th Battalion that they are to meet us at the Citadel,” said Termach, “We’ll see what these scouts have dug up for us this time.”

“Acknowledged Sir,” Carbol’s filtered voice answered, “But why do we need the entire 457th? Surely Nemus Squad can handle a smuggler’s den.”

“From what I heard, these smugglers are… different,” answered the Commander, “I’d be willing to bet there is something a little more sinister going on than just a simple smuggling operation.

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Darth Bjorn
Posted : 04/12/2022 2:54 am
Darth Bjorn
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GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 11/01/2023 2:38 pm