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[Solved] Suitors and Successors [Episode III, part 1]

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Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
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[Image: The busy cargo district of Krulo Town on Borgo Prime.]

Sometime earlier, Agent Amus and the Bounty Hunter Djina on enroute to Borgo Prime...

Of all the scum-ridden places in the galaxy, Borgo Prime was probably on the top of the list. At least my list. I had sworn I’d never return to this forsaken place. Recent events dictated otherwise, and I was in no position to disagree with a direct order from Lord Hassat. He knew of my connection to Borgo, and was quite clear that he wanted me to look into this.

Shippings had stopped, and our contacts had gone silent. I was sent to Borgo Prime to reestablish our relationship.

Since Reaper Squad was still rebuilding, I had hired a local to set up a meeting. For some reason Djina’s spirit seemed the exact opposite of mine. The closer we got to Borgo Prime, the lighter she felt. On the final approach, she seemed almost giddy. I knew something was off.

After landing, we made our way to Krulo Town. The section of Borgo Prime, where Krulo the Hutt had his first headquarters. After taking control of Borgo Prime, Krulo had since taken residence in the fancier part of the rock. Fancy by Borgo standards at least. For some reason the meeting was set in the old maintenance district, where they process incoming and outgoing cargo. I was almost certain I was walking into a trap, so my mission had to be improvised.

We approached an old venting shaft, with a massive hole in the side. The place was crawling with Krulo’s enforcers, and security forces I didn’t recognize. We went inside, and the towering Hutt was already waiting for us. Djina walked up next to the Hutt and whispered something. She looked almost proud. Then she took her place at his side. She wasn’t subtle. She had sold me out.

The Hutt's mouth widened into a smile, as he leaned back.

“Chobaso mah bukee, chobaso banki danko.”
*translated from Huttese: Welcome my boy, welcome home.

He was pushing all of my buttons, and I had to pick my words carefully. Most of all I just wanted to put a blaster bolt between his eyes. The audacity.

“Let’s drop the pleasantries Krulo. I see you’ve made some new friends. How do you think this makes us feel?”

“Bu kacmahea doth banieie. Tee-tocky che uba bai moova mee bai Krulo
*translated from Huttese: The Empire is dead. Time for you to return to Krulo.

Krulo’s men seemed on edge. He knew that this would not end the way either of us wanted. Krulo didn’t offer a choice. I could join him or die.

“It seems I cannot change your mind. I will let my master know that Borgo Prime no longer supports our cause.”

I knew it while I said it. These could be my last words.

The Hutt chuckled, and looked past me. I felt screaming pain to the back of my head, and everything went black.


This was one of those builds that start with some table-scaps, gets out of hand, and evolves from there. I knew I wanted to do a vent thing, inspired by Ordo Eris from JEDI: Fallen Order, and I knew I wanted to incorporate the UniStar logo somehow. It basically grew from there.

Below are some additional photos, and inspirational sources. Thanks for reading and watching.

More photos

Another view of the entire moc.

Top view.

Top view rotated a bit.

Another look inside the vent. A lot of time went into the floor, the back exit, and the side panels.

I'm really happy with the effect of the top fan, seen from below. Takes me back to some of the Cloud City sets, and is directly inspired by the Ordo Eris concept art below.

Concept art of Ordo Eris.

Another view of the side/main entrance.

Prospectors and random bystanders. 

A smuggler talking to a UniStar enforcer.

A UniStar enforcer guarding the entrance.

A few shots clear of props and figs.

Krulo the Hutt and some of his workers (slaves), and enforcers.

A couple of prospectors probably in the market for old mining equipment. Djina and Amus, and a couple of UniStar Enforcers left on Borgo Prime to ensure the new partnership with the Krulo the Hutt.

This topic was modified 2 years ago 3 times by Darth Bjorn

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 30/11/2022 12:38 pm
Posts: 302
Reputable Member Followers of the Force Faction Leader

Absolutely gorgeous! So many beautiful details here. The character designs, the round building, the graffiti, everything!

Posted : 01/12/2022 5:21 am
Captain Havok
Posts: 140
Reputable Member Bryx Security Bureau Faction Leader

Too many great details to count. That Hutt rules. The ominous atmosphere in the circular vent is perfect for the story, just the worst room possible a character could walk into.

Bryx Security Bureau | Faction Leader

Posted : 08/12/2022 11:27 pm
Posts: 229
Reputable Member Followers of the Force

Wowser! Please let your table scraps get out of hand more often! 

I enjoyed the story and interest led to see what happens to poor Amus once he, presumably, awakes. I missed that Djina was a bounty hunter (mentioned in the title) and suggest that could also have been described in the text too to make it a bit easier to follow.

The design and layout is really immersive so heaps to look at. A couple of things that stood out for me - the UniStar logo is cool, with a freshly dripping paint look; the vent obviously creates amazing light and shadows; the Hutt’s walking platform is very creative.

Great job Bjorn, setting the standard once again.


Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order

Posted : 16/12/2022 8:39 pm
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
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This entry has earned 30XP

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 11/01/2023 2:41 pm