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Terminus Azure Eclipse / AE Fleet

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Posts: 88
Trusted Member Ashlon Empire
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Faction: Ashlon Empire
Flagship: AE-Prime
Commanding Admiral: Admiral Glint 


Link to forum posts for ships that are included in the fleet.


  • None 


Battles: None

AE-Prime is a massive cruiser whose origins are unknown. Apparently a commonly used flagship from a more ancient time period. Equipped with 3 turbo laser cannons and a massive cargo container dock, this vessel is an all-in-one package for anyone who owns it. The ship’s hyperdrive makes it a fast and safe mode of transportation. It’s turbo laser cannons make it a serious opponent to fight against. The ship itself has several layers of floors and levels for its crew and interior space. The bridge is located at the back towering over the ship’s body. Four massive engines are installed expelling light azure flames. Upon the conquest of Terminus, the Ashlon Empire instantly caught sight of this vessel parked in the dockyards. Before the imperial occupation it was used by smugglers for illegal endeavours. The Emperor has ordered this ship to be upgraded with a better Navi computer and more weaponry installed. Ashlon Empire’s insignia has been printed on the ship’s sides symbolising it’s allegiance. As of now it is the largest ship in Ashlon Empire’s navy.

AE-Alpha is an elongated corvette capable of transporting 3 massive cargo containers. The cockpit for the pilots is on the front of the ship similar to that of a gozanti. Famous for having LX-77 powerful engines installed on the back of it, this ship is an extremely fast vessel. Capable of quick delivery and avoidance of views of galactic governments, perfect as a blockade runner. Contains an anti starfighter turret on the top of it for basic protection. Originally used by smugglers on Terminus to transport the magic mushrooms from Imynusoph to Terminus which created tons of illegal income for the Terminus cartel. Upon imperial occupation of the planet, several of these corvettes fell under imperial control. Emperor Ashlon in urgent need of establishing a naval blockade of the nearby ports has refitted these vessels to serve his new empire. Golden insignias of the Ashlon Empire proudly printed and displayed on the containers of the ship, for anyone to fear it’s arrival.

AE-Omega or RX-567Q being it’s original name, was an ex confederacy of independent system’s cruiser ship. Using that classic separatists bridge design allowed a perfect overview of the ship’s body and allowed it’s crew to not rely overly on sensors when engaging in battle. The cruiser has a very unique shape, with a hangar bay at the front and two vertical oval engines on the back. The outside skeleton on which the bridge sits makes this ship truly unique. Two turbo laser cannons are equipped on both sides of the ship which makes it a powerful vessel in itself. How exactly did this cruiser end up on Terminus is unknown. Some assume it was the result of Nas Gzyss’ shenanigans and ultimate desertion from the confederacy of independent systems. After settling on Terminus, he sold the ship and all the droids housed in it and went off to live in one of Terminus’ skyscrapers. The smugglers of Terminus tried to operate the ship however due to it’s serious damages and the need of droid maintenance, it was eventually abandoned near Terminus shipyards. Upon the arrival of Ashlon Empire the ship was discovered by one of the imperial patrols and the Emperor ordered it’s immediate repairs. To this day old battle droids can be found in the corridors of this ship, stormtroopers like to wonder if turned on, would they join the remnants or the new republic. A debate perhaps for another time. 


This topic was modified 6 months ago by LegoSWPro
Posted : 30/08/2024 6:13 pm