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Imperial armor compendium

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Posts: 451
Honorable Member Haelos Star Yards Faction Leader
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I'm making this topic to discuss the current strength of the Imperial remnants in Factions. Hoping to compile our discussion into an entry to the lore codex. 

Points of interest

- Imperial Consortium's fleet - ship numbers and types, places of deployment. 

- Ground vehicles and armor - what does TIC use for it's ground operations? Are many AT-AT's still in use, or is older equipment leveraged more due to dwindling supplies? Which worlds provide the means to build and repair TIC's arsenal of destruction?

- Troops - how do Imperial remnants deploy their infantry? Are there more stormtroopers or regular troopers from the imperial army? How effective is their armor? Which special weapons do they take to the field? How do commanders deal with a lack of supplies and support?

Posted : 20/06/2022 1:35 pm
Shockwave bricks
Posts: 118
Trusted Member Bryx Security Bureau

If we're referring to dropships for imperials, surely the Imperial transport from Mando season 2 would be the most likely choice, due to the fact that Factions takes place around a similar time frame.


Posted : 20/06/2022 2:06 pm
mike31 reacted
Posts: 11
New Member Imperial Consortium


    After Endor and Jakku in cannon the empire lost a vast majority of its ISDs and other large capital ships, although I don’t entirely find it all that believable or realistic that a vast galaxy spanning military faction could lose hundreds of ISDs in only one year?!?. I’d find it realistic that the consortium has in its possession at least 90-100 operational ISDs though most would be the capital ships of they’re own fleets. I don’t see how the Empire could have lost 100s of 1000s of Star destroyers in one year even if the empire wasn’t unified and most of the galaxy was at war with them. That’s still an insanely crazy high amount of military hardware to lose in a year, especially with how large the empire was. 
I find it more realistic most of those forces were sent into hiding until the empire could regain its strength. That would also allow for story concepts to be made that explain why our navy could have large capital ships like ISDs.

I’d assume the backbone of our navy is primarily small/medium sized cruisers and cargo/transport vessels such as Gozantis, light cruisers, victory || frigates with other rarer interesting ships here and there such as interdictors or carriers as well as other lighter but plentiful craft the empires had a vast majority off. Then we’de have ISDs and other large capital ships but these would be far and in between acting as the capital ships of they’re own fleets and navy’s. I’d give an estimate of around 80-90 consortium ISDs in service maybe?

Posted : 20/06/2022 9:26 pm
RocketBoy reacted
Posts: 33
Rising Member Pentastar Alignment

Since TIC is a coalition of multiple Imperial Remnants, I would expect their fleet size to be quite large. The more prominent remnants within TIC would most likely have larger fleets and the means to maintain those. The ability to fund the creation of more ships and the connections to obtain better materials and technology would come much easier to the bigger players in TIC as well. Thus, relegating smaller remnants to lower priority assets and support roles. TIC fleet presence would most likely be greatest around critical hyperspace lanes that grant access to New Republic Space and vice versa. 

As far as ground vehicles and armor, I would expect the classic Imperial Vehicles to be in use here. (AT-AT, AT-ST, ITT, TX-225, etc...) Upgraded variants would be more common among more prominent remnants while smaller remnants would primarily deploy standard models.
As far as worlds that provide the means to repair and manufacture this stuff, I'd have to get better acquainted with TIC territory haha.

Posted : 20/06/2022 10:21 pm
OG-Bricks reacted
Posts: 33
Rising Member Pentastar Alignment

Here are some notes I have for the Pentastar Alignment

Remnant Size:

As far as the size of PA goes, if the Alignment was part of TIC it would most likely be a very Prominent Remnant within the coalition. However, when compared to the actual size of TIC it is much smaller. 

Alignment Navy

The majority of the Pentastar Navy is centered around the heart of the Alignment. Large System Fleets protect the Fortress Worlds of Bastion (Capital), Bescane (Major Industrial World), and Dubrillion (Edge of Veragi Trade Route). Smaller System Fleets can be found around the Entralla Route to the South protecting both Alignment & Banking Clan assets. In addition to all of that, a system fleet far from the core of Alignment Space can be found monitoring both TIC and New Republic Activity on the edge of the Namadii Corridor. The Alignment also has a few mobile fleets that can be dispatched to assist system fleets should the need arise.
A large amount of Manufacturing and Maintenance Operations are conducted via the Jaemus Shipyards (Might have just spoiled a target of mine but it's one that makes a lot of sense for the Faction) which is subcontracted by Kuat Drive Yards to construct and perform maintenance for Pentastar Alignment ships. (PA has a contract with KDY which has contracted JSY to manufacture and maintain assets. A mutual deal with the Banking Clan has helped grant additional funding to see this through)
The primary starfighter utilized by the Pentastar Alignment has shifted from the TIE L/N back to an upgraded variant of the V-Wing to promote an increased focus on preserving the life of Alignment Pilots. (Low-key I just like the V-Wing design and I'm making one right now)

Ground Armor

The primary light ground armor used by the Pentastar Alignment is the TX-130T. It's combination of firepower and mobility has made it a very versatile vehicle for Alignment Operations. 
Other notable vehicles:
Heavy Tank: Juggernaut Line
Troop Transport (Ground): ITT or perhaps a modified version of a TX-130 :0
Troop Transport (Aerial): LAAT/le, IDT (But less goofy looking perhaps)
Anti Air/Armor: TBD

I'll definitely expand on this more, but this is just some stuff off the top of my head. 

Posted : 20/06/2022 11:57 pm
OG-Bricks and RocketBoy reacted
Posts: 451
Honorable Member Haelos Star Yards Faction Leader
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Would you guys have any interest in helping make everything we compile into a sort of visual Dictionary like the ones Bjorn occasionally does?

Posted : 23/06/2022 5:02 pm
OG-Bricks reacted
Posts: 451
Honorable Member Haelos Star Yards Faction Leader
Topic starter

@shockwave-bricks I think that's quite reasonable! Has anyone in Factions tacked that vehicle? 

Posted : 23/06/2022 5:03 pm
Posts: 451
Honorable Member Haelos Star Yards Faction Leader
Topic starter

@mike31 I actually think the opposite makes sense, as TIC was formed from the shattered remnants of TT. Our capacity to produce new ships should be hindered, and a very large portion of our fleet was destroyed. 

I can easily see Pentastar being the sleeker and more maintained version of the empire since they cover less ground. TIC should be rugged, kind of on the ropes.

Posted : 23/06/2022 5:06 pm
Posts: 451
Honorable Member Haelos Star Yards Faction Leader
Topic starter

@og-bricks Well most ISDs weren't destroyed, but confiscated by the NR. As they are hugely costly to maintain most fleets surrendered or were captured due to a breakdown of imperial logistics. 

And more than five years after Endor, imperial remnants aren't exactly gaining ground. I doubt there would more than a dozen ISDs in operation under TIC, and none at full capacity. As for gozantis, arquitens, Quasars and nebulons I think plenty could still be in service. I think that about 2000 ships serve under TIC, though most are not fitted for combat duty. 

80-90 seems large for a faction that doesn't have open access to massive shipyards needed to maintain ISDs. 

And we can rule out super SDs, as the last one was destroyed over Iridonia.

Posted : 23/06/2022 5:11 pm
OG-Bricks reacted
Posts: 478
Honorable Member Admin Followers of the Force, Faction Leader
Posted by: @simulterious

@og-bricks Well most ISDs weren't destroyed, but confiscated by the NR. As they are hugely costly to maintain most fleets surrendered or were captured due to a breakdown of imperial logistics. 

And more than five years after Endor, imperial remnants aren't exactly gaining ground. I doubt there would more than a dozen ISDs in operation under TIC, and none at full capacity. As for gozantis, arquitens, Quasars and nebulons I think plenty could still be in service. I think that about 2000 ships serve under TIC, though most are not fitted for combat duty. 

80-90 seems large for a faction that doesn't have open access to massive shipyards needed to maintain ISDs. 

And we can rule out super SDs, as the last one was destroyed over Iridonia.

What do you think the mainstream (legal) Remnant has? Because TIC isn't part of it, right? It's exclusively remnants who are breaking the Concordance? I'm sure Sloane's Remnant has at least enough of a force to protect Imperial space from pirates and the like?

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 24/06/2022 9:49 pm
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