A Raider's Vengeanc...
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A Raider's Vengeance

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Darth Bjorn
Posts: 932
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader
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Cdr. Bannon: Greetings your excellence! With all due respect, you have been wronged by the Jedi once too many. I regret that the Empire deprived you of any chance of retribution, but I am here to make amends. I have in my possession a Holocron that holds clues to the whereabouts of several Jedi. Unfortunately I need to find someone able to unlock this device. Can you help me?


The Pirate King, Morku’Rath: Young soldier... Tell me… Why should we not cut your limbs off, and burn you alive… Then your little shining trinket would be ours, to do with as we please…

Cdr. Bannon: If I don’t leave this planet alive, my Imperial Star Destroyer in orbit will turn this wretched maggot lair to rubble.

Morku’Rath: BWAHAHAHA! You strike a hard bargain… Are you sure you’re not a pirate yourself? Mmh… We will help you… Let us see…



Sometime earlier onboard Cdr. Bannons flagship, the ISD Manticore...


Excerpt from Cdr. Bannon’s log: I followed Lord Kadus' suggestion and returned to my ship. Just as I arrived a holo transition came through, and from none other than the Crimson Duchess. I had met her only once before, so this had to be special!

Holo transmission from the Crimson Duchess: *Commander, your Empire needs you. As you may suspect, the Triumvirate is not a dying remnant, struggling to survive. We are a part of a grander design! With your next mission you will step through the veil, and there will be no going back. We are counting on your loyalty Commander!*

Cdr. Bannon’s log - continued: My mission sent me to the barren rock Botor. Not a system I was familiar with, but intel says that it is run by an old pirate cult called the Flesh Mongers. These pirates have something I need!

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 20/02/2023 12:39 pm