Across the Stars II...
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Across the Stars III: Diner Tables and Old Grudges

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Posts: 478
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After a foiled Imperial raid, Targonn is locked down tight to prevent any more nefarious activity. This poses an obstacle to Nathan Carda, a young Safety Inspector eager to leave in search of the Imperial spies across the galaxy, particularly Mayla, a young undercover spy with whom he fell in love. To that end, he's utilized some less-than-savory lifelines...


 Targonn, a bustling Outer Rim metropolis. More “bustling” than “metropolis”; this was the Outer Rim, after all.

In the weeks since the Imperial raid, the planet had been under lockdown. The Empire had been defeated just a little over a year ago; stormtroopers still freak people out, especially vulnerable planetary governments. Murdered Reactor Plant workers don’t help their nerves. You couldn’t come or go without the proper clearance, clearance Nathan was never going to have.

                Nonetheless, the young former Safety Inspector had to leave the planet before he was arrested as a suspect in Jep’s murder. He had better things to do than languish in a cell block for a crime he didn’t commit. Naturally, this put him on a trajectory to commit a few crimes for real.
                With help from some former co-workers at the Reactor Plant, Nathan chased a rumor about one of the few ships still running people off-world, despite the restrictions. A few shady conversations later and he had an appointment: he would meet the contact at a booth downtown, at the “Core Worlds Diner”. According to the sign outside, their new nerf-burger was made from local livestock. It was kind of kitschy, but Nathan wasn’t one to judge.
                Until he saw his contact, that is.

                “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me.”

                His contact sat at the designated booth, a grumpy Iakaru in a patched, rumpled violet jacket. The simian being barked out a laugh. “I’ll say. What’s up, Safety Nerd? Still gainfully employed? What’s that like, huh?”

                “Ozz. If I had known it’d be you, I wouldn’t have come. Come on, give me the names of your competitors, I’ll try one of them.”

                The Iakaru’s lips stretched into a wily grin. “Competitors? Ha! I’m an early adopter. It’s just me, Nerd. Ain’t no one else dodging the…” He went quiet as a Twi’Lek passed their table, then continued in a hushed voice, “Dodging the blockades right now.”

                Nathan stared for a moment while he considered it. If there was no other choice, then that’s how it was. He sat down, his mind made up. “Fine, then I guess you’re it. What are the terms?”

                The Iakaru waved his hands. “Now hold on, hold on: who said I’d take you? I don’t owe you nothin’.”

                “And you think I’m happy flying with the guy who got fired for smoking death sticks near flammable fluids? I’m surprised you’re even alive.”

                “Oh, that’s real nice,” Ozz scowled. “Say, I heard they found a body at the reactor. One of the Ugnaughts. Guy was murdered. Jerp, was it?”

                “Jep,” Nathan said. “Come on, you knew him. Remember, you endangered his life a few times?”

                “Oh gre-aaat, you know the murdered guy’s name. That’s not suspicious at all.”

                “So did you.”

                Ozz leaned forward in his seat, one wispy eyebrow raised. “Well, I’ve heard some things. Like that Security is on the prowl for a suspect. Young, dark-skinned, stick-up-his-rear…Now, I don’t make a habit of making accusations—unlike some people--but it’s an awfully convenient time for you to be leaving Targonn, ain’t it?”

                “…I had nothing to do with it,” Nathan replied, raising his chin.

                “Oh yeah?”

                “Yeah. I didn’t kill Jep. Are you crazy? An Imperial spy did. A forward scout for another raid.”

                “Hm,” Ozz rumbled, stroking his beard. “Sounds like you had something to do with it.”

                “Yeah,” Nathan sighed. “I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But I also learned something important: the Empire is clearly planning something big for Targonn, they’re getting stronger. That’s why I need help getting off-world, I’m picking up a bounty—“

                “A bounty? You! HA! This is rich. What happened, you get fired, too?” He turned, chuckling, to the server droid that had just rolled up. “I’ll have a Guantelli Ale. Bubbliest you got.”

                “Water, thank you,” Nathan ordered. The droid rolled away, and he continued, “No, I quit. I didn’t get fired, I was trying to protect my coworkers, not burn them all up, or help them lose one of their three good arms.”

                “What, the Ardennian? I hear that guy got an implant. No harm done, right?”

                “Yeah, why don’t you go ask him about that? I’m sure that’s how he feels. Look, this isn’t the point. I quit at the plant, I’m searching for Imperials now.”


                Ozz squinted across the table at the young human. “That doesn’t sound like you, Nerd Boy. You ever even shot a blaster?”

                “I’ll get to that part when I need to,” Nathan said. “It’s not just the bounty, okay? I’m…also looking for a girl.”

                The Iakaru burst out laughing. “A girl! That’s more like it! This just gets better and better. Can’t say I took you for the type. You don’t seem, eh…”

                “‘Capable of love’?” Nathan pre-empted.
                “Hmmm…cuddly, I was gonna say. Hah! A girl. Well, that sure changes things. Fine, fine…”

                “…What?” Nathan asked, raising an eyebrow.

                Ozz leaned back and gave him a wink. “I think you’re tellin’ the truth. This ‘romantic heroism’ thing is all the rage with kids like you. And we all know safety was your first *passionate love*, before this lady you’re looking for. You didn’t kill Jerb.”

                “Jep, Ozz. C’mon, respect the dead. And…thanks.”
                “Yeah, yeah. What, is his ghost in the next booth?” Ozz waved it away. “My point is this: I don’t think you’re hiding anything, so I’ll have you on my ship.”

                Nathan let out an inward sigh of relief. “Great.”

                “Bu-uut it’s gonna cost you. Extra. Finding a stable gig was hard after what you did to me.”

                 “What I *did to you*?” Nathan narrowed his eyes.

                “Hey, I thought we were pals back when I worked at the reactor. You did me real dirty, kid.”

                “And you’re going to blame that on me? We warned you, Ozz! I gave you chances, even when Barthur was fed up! If you had pulled your act together, you wouldn’t have been fired. Seriously, you’re lucky you weren’t arrested.”

                “Hrngh…whatever,” Ozz stewed, grinding his teeth. “Watch it, kid. You trying to raise the prices even more?”

                “Look,” Nathan said, trying to get things back on track. “I’ll pay what you want, within reason. I’ve got to get off Targonn. The girl I’m looking for may be in danger. Do we have a deal, or what?”

                “Geez, I gotta teach you how to be a better buyer, kid: I can practically smell the desperation.”

                “Noted. How about you go easy on me, until then?”

                “Hah, no way. Say, how do you define ‘within reason’?”



Next: The Manifest (Coming Soon)

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 11/04/2022 7:14 pm
Posts: 478
Honorable Member Admin Followers of the Force, Faction Leader
Topic starter

(I'm not able to edit the actual post for whatever reason, so here's the link to the next.)

Next: The Manifest

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 11/04/2022 7:33 pm