Executive Summoning
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Executive Summoning

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Darth Bjorn
Posts: 932
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader
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Mission Log from Cpt. Bannon: The squad had just established the camp when I received the message from High Command. I am to abandon the current mission and rendevouz with Commander Bryce on board the ISD Relentless in the Uquine system. I’ve passed command of my squad to Lieutenant Kelstrap. Information has been limited. I look forward to being briefed upon arrival.

Factions 03: Executive Summoning

Onboard the Lambda-class shuttle Pelicana

Pilot over the comms: Welcome on board Sir. We apologize for the mess. This ship is retrofitted for ordnance and equipment not officers, but we were your fastest option. Make yourself as comfortable as possible.

Some time later...

Pilot over the comms: Sir. We’re making our final approach to the Relentless and have clearance to board immediately. Lieutenant Markland will show you to your quarters on board.

Cpt. Bannon: My quarters? I’m wasting my time… They’re sending an old shuttle to pick me up and now they’re letting me wait... This is not the Empire I fought for… At least this gives me time to change into something more formal…

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 20/02/2023 12:25 pm