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Flight of the Crimson Raptor

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Darth Bjorn
Posts: 932
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Excerpt from Cdr. Bannon’s Log: After the recent events on Byss, I’m sensing a grander design. The New Republic is not going to ignore an increasing threat from a new imperial union. The Triumvirs are not trying to replace the Emperor. They are preparing for something.

High Command is still keeping me in the dark. However, I feel my next mission may change this. I’ve been instructed to assemble my team for a critical mission to Fondor. My mission is to secure research on experimental cloaking technology, from an old facility that belonged to the Imperial Department of Military Research.

This could not have come at a worse time. Evidently an ex-imperial warlord knows of this technology as well, and he is staging a blockade around Fondor. The latest reports describe the situation as civil war, occupation, and total chaos. It’s just a matter of time before the New Republic shows up.

Some time before...


Since part of Reaper Squad was on assignment elsewhere, I’ve had to add a few new faces to my team, as well as new means of transportation. One ship, and one crew, get to the surface of Fondor and extract the data. Agent Brac T’renth, Agent Joral Avan of Reaper Squad, accompanied by me personally, will infiltrate the facility and extract the data. 


The two new additions are Zenna, a female mirialan mechanic and Iegon a twi’lek veteran pilot, who has served the Empire as a smuggler for decades. 

Our transport is a heavily modified Corellian YT-1100 offshoot. 


The sight that met us above Fondor was best described as chaos. Moments after coming out of hyperspace above Fondor, Pyerce’s forces were all over the freighter. No surprise, but also no challenge for the heavily modified Corellian freighter. 

The YT-1140 freighter holds an incredible amount of power, that has been redistributed to support advanced weapons and defense systems. No wonder this model has been banned the last decade, and so few have made it through production.

Without deviating from our approach to Fondor’s surface, Pyerce's TIEs were dealt with. A few moments later we sat down on the rendezvous, a few clicks west of the research facility.

The Crimson Raptor

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 20/02/2023 12:59 pm