IDS Incarcerator
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IDS Incarcerator

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Darth Bjorn
Posts: 932
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Mission Log from Cpt. Bannon: After retaking our base on Dennaskar, high command has tasked us with rounding up additional rebels and insurgents from surrounding systems and escort them to the top secret IDS Incarcerator orbiting the backwater planet Molavar. These prisoners are supposedly an important part of Operation Stronghold.

The Incarcerator was the last of its kind of Imperial Lictor-class dungeon ships. After the loss at the battle of Endor, warden commander Col Gran hid the IDS Incarcerator in the Outer Rim. Commander Col was eventually contacted by Admiral Rovv and convinced to join the Commenor Remnant cause and remain a secret known only to Rovv and a few high standing members of the remnant.

The IDS Incarcerator was a highly modified Lictor-class ship, designed as an inescapable supermax prison. All prison cells onboard the ship has two entrances. One leading into the ship, and the other towards the empty vacuum of space, with only a ray shield keeping the prisoners from being sucked into oblivion.

Factions: IDS Incarcerator

Factions: IDS IncarceratorFactions: IDS Incarcerator

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 20/02/2023 12:37 pm