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Keepers of Forbidden Knowledge

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"We, the Keepers of the Secret Lore, welcome all beings who have discovered the presence of more than only the seen. Those who, once blind and indifferent, have stumbled into richer sight. Those who sense a mysteriousness that upholds the galaxy, an energy between all things, a terrible power threatening the balance of control—the entity called henceforth the Force. 

Any who have come unbound from the chains of ignorance, whereupon inherited is the burdening desire for knowledge, are welcome. All who belong to this common thirst, join in our crusade. Our gift is our curse, for the veil we have escaped is the wall we must now defend."

-Excerpt from "The Invitation", opening chapter of the First Scripts and Charter of the Unbound, by Archscriptist Morcaster Trin


An order of scholars and warriors looking for the truths about the Force have set out on expeditions. Led by the scholarly Archscriptists, some join the Keepers out of religious curiosity, others in a bid for power or truth, but all seeking to learn more about the mysterious energy between all things. Their purpose: to hide that knowledge from any who might use it to their own advantage.

Once a stronghold of an order of force-wielders called "Jedi", Ossus is a rich mine of knowledge waiting to be tapped. Storms scour its surface and thunder rolls across its dunes, a warning to any who would try to plumb its depths.

After an encounter with a rogue Imperial decimated their numbers on the planet, they are reduced to small hideouts where they continue their furious research in secret. 


There is power here.

Power has seeped into the ground.

The stone has groaned for centuries. Storms burn the soil. The wind races over the rocks, howling and bellowing in its course.

The Scriptist has sent us here, our fourth questing so far. This place is rich with history, she says. Lore from which we might learn. If we survive, that is. Though my brushes with the Force of Life are still rare, I don’t need Abay’s connection to feel the conflict and the turmoil that coat the badlands of this planet.

Ossus is a cradle of knowledge, wrapped in danger and death.

                “Watch for Craven. Don’t stray into the open,” Rossami says to us all from the back.              

                “I can see the storms, Rossami,” retorts Abay, before correcting himself. “I’m sorry, that was short.”

                Rossami understands. “Planet’s got me on edge, too,” he says.

                “There’s darkness here,” I say. “Wars between armies. I don’t think the good guys won.”

                Abay looks at me keenly. “Something you’ve sensed?”

                I laugh. “The Scriptist told me.”

                He nods. “Putting aside the anxiety of our environment…are you excited, Van?”

                He can’t see my face. I don’t know what expression is on it, but I’d prefer it not be seen. “I’m always excited, Abay. That’s why I come to wastelands like this instead of gun-running. You better believe gun-running was a lot more profitable.” A flash of lightning a kilometer away crystalized the sand it touched. “And somehow less dangerous.”

                “Knowledge is the richest treasure there is,” says the Duros. Somehow I heard Rossami roll his eyes.

                I turned to him as we walked. “I know why Abay is here, and you both know why I’m here…what about you, Rossami?”

                “I’d really prefer if we kept watch…”

                “C’mon, man. Why’re you a Keeper?”

                “Hm,” he grunted. “You know how the Empire cracked down on temples, monks, Jedi, that sort of thing? All of ‘em connected to the Force. I spent so much time fighting the Empire, looking into it seemed like another way to rebel.”

                “Ha, you must have been a fun kid to raise.”

                He chuckled in spite of himself. “Anyway, that’s how it started. But you know how the Scriptists are. Trin kept me around.” His gun flew up as he spotted something. “Craven!” he shouted. “Three! On the rocks!”

                We turned our weapons on the hunched creatures above us. Abay just used his hand and his connection to the Force of Life. Rossami and I used blasters. Their bodies tumbled into the sand, and we scanned the rocks for survivors. We were clear.

                “They’re watching us,” I said. “Why else are they in such small groups?”

                “Then why do we keep seeing them?” Rossami growled.

                “Perhaps you’re overestimating their ability to stay hidden,” Abay suggested with a smile.

                I vented my blaster and frowned. “Clearly, the Sorcerer isn’t as dead as we thought. I know what you said before, but these things aren’t organized without it.”

                Abay nodded. “I agree. The creatures are thralls to its power. But until it shows itself, there’s nothing for us to do. Except, that is, exercise caution.”

                “Extreme caution,” Rossami said. “No more chatting, you got it? I’m talking to you, Van.”

                “Yeah, you’re right,” I said. “Let’s stay alert.”

                The ruins loomed ahead. Dark statues of robed figures. Pillars of stone tracing the cliffs. Dark tunnels and torched archives. I can’t believe my parents hung out in places like this. Were all Jedi buildings so dreadful?

                All I wanted was to learn. What they believed, why they died. A higher cause than how I spent my 20s.

                I felt something, in my…spirit, I guess. A tinge of comfort.

                But then something else. Warning. Doom.

                For a moment, the plains ahead of me, the lowlands before the temple, seemed filled with hundreds of blue figures, standing before a red fog. When I blinked, they were gone.

                This would have freaked me out a year ago. But this sort of vision, feeling, I was starting to understand.              

                “I just had something,” I said. Abay took notice. “A vision,” I explained. “Quick. Figures, not quite here. And a sense of danger.”               

                “I could’ve told you about the danger part,” muttered Rossami.

                “Yes,” Abay nodded. “I saw something too. Expect to be tested, Van. This place is the grave of thousands of force-wielders. I suspect some of them…linger.”

                “Abay…” Rossami prodded.         

                “Yes, come, we must hurry into the catacombs if we are to confuse the Craven.”

              That’s right, into the dark.

                Pillars loomed above as we walked, proud statues standing tall. Faces shrouded by hoods. Outstretched hands creased with age and effort. Stone cracked by chaos. The passion of the storm became distant as we passed inside the hollow temple doors.

                The dark sat before us, waiting for our arrival. Knowledge lay hidden in the dark. Death too. A gamble we were prepared for. For the sake of knowledge, for learning. For turning the tide, for opposing true evil. Evil was always with us.

There is power here.

There will always be.


Mythologized as the birthplace of knowledge of the Force, Tython ranks among the most significant force-worlds in the galaxy. Its twin moons—Ashla and Bogan—have witnessed the beginnings of many orders of force-wielders, as well as their centuries of conflict that have resulted in destructive supernatural storms. 

Millennia of warfare have made most of the planet uninhabitable except to the most desperate of creatures; the arctic mountains of the Ice Giant Range and the wastelands of ash called the Rift, home to nothing but flesh raiders who will not risk the insanity of the Silent Desert. Even the still-living portions are home to a variety of dangerous things: hook hawks and Silik lizards and vicious raptorial hunters.

            This plethora of threats makes the Keeper Fortress on Tython an insane undertaking. At the same time, it is also admirable, in the way insane things can sometimes be.

            Established on Tythos ridge in the waning years of the Empire, the enclave began as a small camp to house the Keepers’ studies. Over time, necessity transformed their research outpost into a small fortress and turned the Keepers from a ragtag party into a hardened, experienced group of warriors. Over the last several years they’ve fought off scores of monsters in their own defense, additionally taking up the responsibility of conserving the lives of the many peaceful species, such as the Guid and Uxibeasts, from the predators driving them deep into extinction. The decimation of the planet has pushed its natural fauna into the small regions that could support life, but the many different species weren’t made to coexist in such close quarters. Tython is unbalanced, and the Keepers sought to help.

            Brave (and foolhardy) adventurers have joined them over time, bringing weapons and supplies and defensive technologies, slowly making the Enclave the best-defended and most established community of Keepers in the known galaxy. After all, there’s strength in numbers, and Tython is a planet that, in every practical way, respects strength most of all.

            The Archscriptist, Morcaster Trin, keeps her primary studies on Tython. Those from the Enclave, both scholars and armored “Paladins”, continue to explore the planet’s ruins and search for the secrets of those who came before. As they do, they risk every kind of danger: wildlife, raiders, and things from the dark that minds cannot comprehend.


The Keepers are a disciplined organization with a focus on scholarly study of force-related artifacts and phenomena. More hierarchical than the current Jedi, their cold and formal Scriptist culture reflects the Old Jedi Order, while their regimented Paladins reflects the armored ranks of the Mandalorians. Led by Archscriptist Morcaster Trin and Grand Paladin Taxon Konn, the Keepers delve into the most dangerous force-worlds. These places are always treacherous, so they must be prepared for all kinds of dangers.

Unlike either the Followers or Dark Covenant, the Keepers see all Force-related phenomena as tantamount to witchcraft—unstable and dangerous powers that must be contained and kept hidden from any who might use them to gain power. This makes their relationships with both groups complicated. Their knowledge of the living force is limited, so focused are they on the dangers of the Force as a weapon to be harnessed.

(Player Notes: The Keepers are a hierarchal group that lean VERY Space-Fantasy in their aesthetics. For example, the pictures above depicts three Keepers inspired by the mage, warrior, and rogue archetypes. They're in part inspired by the Destiny series' look and tone, that mesh of mystical fantasy and retro sci-fi.)

The Keepers of the Force are a neutral group shared between the Followers of the Force and the Dark Covenant. They'll show up in future stories as allies/associates and a bridge between our two Factions.


This topic was modified 3 years ago 11 times by RocketBoy

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 08/03/2022 5:08 pm