Mission to Tund
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Mission to Tund

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Darth Bjorn
Posts: 932
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Excerpt from Cdr. Bannon’s log: After a few weeks of putting out fires, I finally found myself back on Kalist VI. Nothing more than your average desert rock, but it felt good to be on imperial soil again. It was time to initiate the next phase of Operation: Nightwing and brief the different expedition commanders on their destinations and mission. Most of these expeditions were simple reconnaissance missions to potential Imperial outpost worlds. A few of these however, had a much deeper significance to the Imperial Triumvirate…

I made it back to Triumvirate headquarters just in time to brief exploration crew Aurek 7 on their primary objectives once arriving on their world…

I had high expectations for the crew assembled by Cpt. Markland. Not the elite candidates, of course. The crew had to be selected from expendable personnel. However, the metrics of the 14 crew-members all seemed to fit the mission.


From left to right:
Lt. Insen:
 Male human, pilot and security. Cpt. Azela: Female mirialan, security officer. Ltjg. Rud: Male human, pilot and security. Avan Kagz: Male lannik, tracker, and his fire falcon. Horrath Veel: Male zabrak, geologist. Cdr. Drand: Male human, sr. commodore, operating base specialist. Dr. Rutha: Female, human, chief scientist. Dr. Llana: Female pantoran-cyborg, combat surgeon. Lt. Browf: Male duro, structural engineer. H3-VY: Heavy duty droid. Sr. Lt. Bornos: Male human, chief architect. CC-4432 Crank: Human male, mercenary (retired clone trooper). CC-7714 Grim: Human male, ranger (retired clone trooper Sgt.). CT-822 Moss: Human male, tracker (retired clone trooper).


A few crew-members getting to know each-other before takeoff...


Security, pilots and the last cargo arriving in the hangar...


Cdr. Bannon provides the last briefing from High Command, before leaving the mission in the hands of the crew...

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 20/02/2023 1:05 pm