Onboard the Relentl...
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Onboard the Relentless

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Darth Bjorn
Posts: 932
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Factions 05: Onboard the Relentless

The conference room onboard the ISD Relentless

Factions 05: Onboard the Relentless

 Admiral Bryce: Gentlemen. We are looking at the planet Uquine. The last planet on the Commenor Run in this sector. Retaking Uquine will place the entire sector under the Commenor Remnant control. I’m sending three battalions to the surface to establish an initial occupation. I will stay in this system to oversee the occupation and await further instructions from high command. This is what must be done before we initiate Operation Stronghold. Admiral Rovv and Admiral Cerato, you will escort the Senator and Agent Visqar back to Commenor. You will need to convince High Command that we need additional ships to carry out our expansion. You know what to do after that.

Factions 05: Onboard the Relentless

Admiral Cerato: We should approach Moff Barthol regarding Operation Stronghold.

Admiral Rovv: Yes, he would be a powerful ally.

Admiral Bryce: I agree. Admiral Rovv. Seek an audience with the moff and introduce him to Operation Stronghold, but plan a contingency should he decline to join. This has to be done in secrecy.


Factions 05: Onboard the Relentless4

Factions 05: Onboard the Relentless

Admiral Bryce: Gentlement, Cpt. Bannon. Captain, congratulations on your latest success. I apologize for the wait. These are extraordinary circumstances. Please meet Senator Belrus, Agent Visqar, Admiral Rovv and Admiral Cerato. We are a newly established subcommittee of the Commenor Remnant. Consider us your direct leadership. Gentlemen, please excuse us. I will brief Cpt. Bannon on his first assignment.

Factions 05: Onboard the Relentless

Admiral Bryce: Captain, your first task is to establish your new squad. You are free to choose whomever you see fit to carry out the mission. I will see to it that you get access to the imperial elite personnel manifest. Lt. Markland will serve as your personal assistant. She is a trusted member of my crew. You report to me directly. Any questions?

Cpt. Bannon: I need a ship.

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 20/02/2023 12:24 pm