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Sometimes you have to do bad to do good

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Darth Bjorn
Posts: 932
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Excerpt from Lt. CC-2833’s log [19 BBY]: I don’t remember much from before the mission to Belnar. It’s all a bit hazy to me. We used to report to General Kenobi, but just as the 212th was rerouted to Utapau, our squad was reassigned. We were now reporting to the young Cpt. Bannon, and were supposed to assist him on a covert mission to Belnar. So close to the most decisive battle, and a chance to get back at General Grievous. I wonder who we pissed off in order to get demoted like that. Anyways. Good soldiers follow orders!


Cpt. Bannon had briefed us on our mission to capture three renegade Jedi. Rumor said that they had turned on their clones, and made a run for it. The whole thing didn't make much sense to me or my brothers, until we cornered the Jedi on a shipwreck platform, and received the holo transmission from the Supreme Chancellor himself.

“Execute Order 66”

And so we did. Or rather, Cpt. Bannon had already executed Jedi master Manari. We had captured the padawan, but the togruta Jedi had escaped. 


Cpt. Bannon: Search the area for the other jedi, and alert all security check-points. She cannot not leave this mudball! Leave the padawan to me!


We searched the surrounding area, but she had vanished - she was now our number one target.

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 20/02/2023 1:04 pm