Swoop Prospector
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Swoop Prospector

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Darth Bjorn
Posts: 932
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Excerpt from Cdr. Bannon’s log: Our next mission has brought us to Quarzite. For some reason one of our research departments has been involved in a high priority project, and they are in need of crystals for some kind of weapon.

Our mission was to find a viable location for a base of operation, where our scientists could validate the purple Quarzite crystal.

Cdr. Bannon: Lord Kadus. Come in. Transmitting my current coordinates. This area has a high density of crystals, and is accessible enough for the crew.

Lord Kadus: Roger that Commander! We will proceed to the location immediately.


Cdr. Bannon: What do you think Lord Kadus?

Lord Kadus: Commander. This site will be perfect for a mining operation. Let’s hope these crystals are receptive for our synthesis process. Cdr. Voluth! How’s the test coming along?


Cdr. Voluth: Just a few moments Lord. My men are working on it.


Lt. Scientist Ralvand: Commander Volut, Sir. These crystals are crude, but the test puts them well within the viability spectrum! These crystals will work!



Lord Kadus: Excellent!!! Begin setting up the mining site immediately! Commander Bannon, good work. You should return to High Command. They’ve requested you personally.

Cdr. Bannon: Yes Lord.

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 20/02/2023 12:40 pm