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Traitor's End

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Darth Bjorn
Posts: 932
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Traitor’s End

Mission Log from Cpt. Bannon: Our original mission was to ensure the imperial energy supply from the drilling platforms on the surface of Sarapin. However, things took an unexpected turn, when we received a direct holo transmission from Moff Barthol. Barthols number one agent, Lord Amus has revealed that Senator Belrus is in league with the New Republic and that he is secretly scheming to undermine the Commenor Remnant. Personally I’ve always felt that Commenor has been a little too lenient with the New Rebuplic. Sometimes you’ve got to wonder - what happened to the glory of the Empire?

Log update: We have received word that the treacherous Senator Belrus is in fact on Sarapin. How convenient that he is meeting with the administrator overseeing Sarapin mining. We have been instructed to rendezvous with Agent Amus and his men on the surface in order to capture the senator and return him to imperial custody.

A few moments later on a landing platform at the Sarapin mining administrations headquarters…

Watch your step!

Cpt. Bannon: Senator! STOP! There’s nowhere to run! You are under arrest for treason against the Empire!

Nasty Neimoidian

Administrator Shatul: Kill hime! Kill ze traitor!

Agent Amus: Sure would save us a lot of paperwork! But... Our job is to bring him in.

Belrus: Yes! I surrender! Take me back to Commenor… I demand to talk to High Command!

Cpt. Bannon: Right awa…

Agent Amus: Would you like a cup of Jawa Juice as well? Your imperial rights was revoked the moment you sided with the Republic scum! Take him away!

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Darth Bjorn

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 20/02/2023 12:46 pm