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Ugly Secrets

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Darth Bjorn
Posts: 932
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Cdr. Bannon’s Log: Scarif has been a somewhat heated conversation topic among high command as of late. Even though not unanimous, Scarif has been decided as a strategic priority for the Triumvirate expansion. I’ve taken it upon myself to inspect Cdr. Voluth’s mining operation in the former Aurek-14 excavation site. 

Most of Aurek-14 was buried in a mining accident around 0 BBY. If my theory is correct, Aurek-14 should still hold some of the best kept secrets of the Tarkin Initiative. Personally I’d like to have a look myself. An inspection is the perfect cover, and the perfect opportunity to test my new Eta-2 TIE Interceptor.


Cdr. Voluth: Commander Bannon, we are honored by your presence.
Cdr. Bannon: You may dispense with the pleasantries Commander. I’m here to inspect the mining operation!
Cdr. Voluth: I assure you Cdr. Bannon, my men are working as hard as they can.

Cdr. Bannon: Good... And the salvage operation?
Cdr. Voluth: We have managed to salvage roughly 200 containers of kyber.
Cdr. Bannon: Excellent! Shuttle the containers to my ship immediately. I will inspect a few other sites before I return to my ship. Commander, I want daily reports on the operation.
Cdr. Voluth: Of course sir!

Sometime later... After inspecting a highly classified area of Aurek-14...


Cdr. Bannon’s Log - continued: My suspicions were correct! The secrets buried on Scarif may very well hold the key to restoring the glory of the Empire! This information cannot end up in the wrong hands. I’ll personally make sure to deliver this intel safely...

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 20/02/2023 12:44 pm