Unlikely Liberation
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Unlikely Liberation

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Darth Bjorn
Posts: 932
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Diplomacy Mission Report from Cdr. Bannon: After positive negotiations with the hutts in the vicinity of Triumvirate territory, the hutts have agreed to give the Jilruans their partial independence. This means that Jilruans are free of any previous bondage to the hutts, but the hutts will maintain their presence and power on Jilrua. In the wake of these events several Jilruans has pledged their allegiance to the Imperial Triumvirate. I am sure we can put these renowned warriors to good use.

Species: Jilruan from Jilrua ( https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Jilruan/Legends )


This topic was modified 2 years ago by Darth Bjorn

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 20/02/2023 12:27 pm