(Character) Wolf
Wolf is an experienced special forces operator, who served the Empire and later several imperial remnants.
Shadows of Nar Eurbrikka / Galactic Civil war
Fresh out of training Wolf served the Empire in the late stages of the Galactic Civil war. Young Lieutenant Wolf was a fanatical supporter of the Empire and had no qualms killing the Empire´s enemies no matter if they were Rebels or Black Sun criminals.
Notable Missions/Events:
Welcome to the country club - Endor
Lieutenant Wolf fought in the Battle of Endor, where he met Stormtrooper sergeant Miggs .
Factions I / after the Battle of Endor
After Endor, Wolf worked security for the mining guild until events brought him into the service of the Imperial Triumvirate.
Soon he met Sergeant Miggs again, who in the meantime had served the Pyerce Empire remnant.
With Miggs´ help he recruited the first members of Wolf squad from Pyerce forces.
Captain Wolf fought in the Battle of Iridonia for the Imperial Triumvirate.
Notable Missions/Events:
Factions - A Galaxy divided / after the Battle of Iridonia
After the battle of Iridonia, Wolf served for a short time with the Imperial Consortium until he was recruited by the secretive Stygian Caldera Society.
Commandant Wolf fought for the society in the Battle of Lothal.
Due to his excellent service record, he was assigned to Reaper Squad recently, the society´s premier special operations unit.
Wolf fought against the Scaoth on Ra´un.
He currently serves in the Crim Empire forces.
Notable Missions/Events:
The once in a million shot - Lothal
ARGO Industries employee