From the stories found here.
Nathan Carda is a human adventurer hailing from Taloraan. Raised in an orphanage, the hardworking young man abandoned a stable career as a safety inspector to recklessly pursue an unlikely love. In the process, Nathan found himself tangled up in a world of Imperial spies, unexpected friends, and ultimately his destiny as a Jedi.
Ozzamandes "Ozz" Van Sabarann Is an Iakaru with a perpetually bad rap, one who has somehow worked every job you can imagine. Initially coworkers before being fired for safety infractions, Ozz is reluctantly reacquainted with Nathan when the latter needs help getting offworld. To the surprise of both, their subsequent adventures forge a powerful bond between the two, and they become close friends and partners. Ozz is the "captain" of the Lucky Star, an aging Stealthipede shuttle (a bootleg knock-off of the more widely know Sheathipede shuttle.)
Mayla Fost, born Ingrid Pyerce, is the only daughter of Moff Aamon Pyerce and his wife Castallia. An early recruit into the ISB (to her Navy father's disappointment), Mayla became a field agent at the age of 18. Mayla fell into her father's remnant after the Empire's fall, acting as a spy on vulnerable worlds. It was during one of these missions that she met Nathan Carda, and shared an evening with him that changed the way she saw her life, past and present. Seeking to change, make amends, and find true belonging, Mayla betrayed and abandoned the Remnant, trying to help as many as she could along the way.
- Leiutenant Absalom Syfot was a navy officer in the Empire before he was stranded on the remote world of Imynusoph, where the local conditions wore away at what little decency and sanity with which he had been born. A close friend and conspirator of Moff Pyerce, Syfot wasted no time joining the Pyerce Remnant after being rescued from the edge of the galaxy. In time he became the leader of the hunt for an artifact called Balaam's Heart, a mysterious stone said to grant eternal life. This search brought him into conflict with Nathan, Ozz, and Mayla, who would soon become his sworn enemies.
After his defeat at their hands, a now Dark-side-obsessed Syfot found himself once again lost, enslaved by a lesser Hutt gang on Ando Prime. Through clever maneuvering and sheer brutality, Syfot worked his way up until he killed his masters and took over the gang, which provided him the leverage needed to earn a spot as an officer once again with the new Crimson Empire.
A sinister and enigmatic figure, the Vu'othh was a self-proclaimed "Priest of Bogan", a Mustafarian dark-side ritualist sought out by Syfot as a consultant for his search for Balaam's Heart.
Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order