(Character) Druffin
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(Character) Druffin

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“It wasn’t supposed to be like this! I didn’t leave my family, my tribe, just to be imprisoned on some backwater world. And Master Katarn - he just abandoned us. He told me - he promised me - that he’d be here to teach me. He owes me for the help we gave on Alzoc!”

Druffin was a  male of the Talz species. Born on the icy world of Alzoc III, his planet was under Imperial rule and his kind made to work as forced labour.

One of at least six siblings, Druffin's clan led the resistance to Imperial occupation, at great cost. Three sisters died fighting off the first Imperial invasion of Alzoc and another two brothers died repelling the last of the Imperial slavers. Druffin was one of several Talz that journeyed to Hoth to receive training from the Rebel Alliance. While there, the Talz got caught up defending Echo base against the Imperials, and met Commander Skywalker for the first time.

Surviving the Battle of Hoth, Druffin returned to Alzoc to lead one of the local resistance cells. Years later, Druffin was discovered to be Force sensitive by Kyle Katarn, a member of the Jedi Order who visited Alzoc III on a mission for the New Republic. Druffin was later recruited to join the Jedi enclave on Ator Hollos where his true journey with the Force began.

When the Jedi crash landed on Ator Hollos, Druffin's leg was fractured and his vocoder was broken - essential for speaking Galactic Standard Basic. Druffin joined the return journey to The Godspeed, to retrieve parts to barter with the local Jawa tribe to repair his translator. Alongside Jedi Jun Jin-Wa, he helped defeat an infected gundark that attacked the Jedi camp.

Jedi lessons


This topic was modified 2 years ago by Eyrezer

Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order

Posted : 07/05/2023 2:40 am