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Legacy: The Imperial Triumvirate

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Darth Bjorn
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The Imperial Triumvirate

 The Triumvirate (Union of Imperial Remnants)
Headquarters/Capital: Kalist VI, and the Imperial Super Star Destroyer Resurrector.
Systems: Daalang, Nanth'ri, NixorMolavar, Scarif, RishiHosnian Prime, Byblos, Exodeen, DeysumFedalle, Castell, Byss, Fondor, Iphigin, Ghorman, Andara, Zeltros, Affa, Botor, OtaUogo'cor, Kalist VIDevaron, Quarzite, Marat V (Skye), Odik II, Ambria, Lipsec, Sneeve, Gorse, Virgillia 7, Endor, Kuat, Trigalis, Skynara, Alzoc III, Carida, Orto Plutonia, Belnar, Svivren, Daluuj, Kowak, Iridonia
Sectors: The Daalang Sector, The Eclorar Sector, The Abrion Sector, Deep Core Security ZoneThe Skine Sector
Grid: Q12, S15, M12, L13, M13, H19, K11, Q10, O10, P19, M9


In order to ensure our security and continued stability, the Imperial Remnants of a hundred worlds will unify under the Imperial Triumvirate! For a safe and secure society. Honoring the true imperial legacy, rising from the ashes, Tempered, Stronger, Reborn!

- Supreme Moff Barthol


The Triumvirate is an alliance of several imperial remnants all united under one banner. Loyal to the legacy of the emperor, and firm believers of restoring the empire to its former glory. Some remnants remain more independent than others, but all acknowledge and support the Triumvirs and regard the three as emissaries of the Emperor’s will.

The Formation of the Triumvirate

The Imperial Triumvirate was formed shortly after the battle of Endor. Moff Barthol had just returned with the 31st fleet, also known as the Ethereal Fleet, from a decade-long mission in the unknown regions. Witnessing a crumbling empire, Moff Barthol decided to go against Vice Admiral Sloane’s command and seek out old allies, still loyal to the emperor. Shortly after, the 31st fleet joined forces with the armies of the Crim Dominion, an old imperial loyalist state ruled by the mysterious Crimson Duchess. The Triumvirate was not fully formed until shortly after the Operation Cinder. Moff Barthol wanted an old trusted friend, a viceroy of Nacronis to join his cause. In the meantime the viceroy had tried to foil the destruction of his homeworld and crippling Operation Cinder, resulting in his death by the hands of his own son, Prince Serion. Seeing this as a true act of loyalty to the empire, Moff Barthol decided to give Prince Serion his father’s place, as the third and last leading member of the Imperial Triumvirate.


The Triumvirs

The Triumvirs are the supreme authority in the Imperial Triumvirate. In some cases a triumvir has direct control of a specific department. The triumvirs each have their own agenda, but work towards the shared goal of an empire reborn. From left to right: 

The Crimson Duchess: The Crimson Duchess is the ruler of the mysterious Crim Dominion. Her mother also held the Crimson Duchess-title which seems to be handed down from mother to daughter, dating back generations. Rumor has it that the late emperor held the previous Duchess and the Crim Dominion in high regard. This could be the explanation for the deep imperial loyalty and military might of a relatively small system.

Supreme Moff Barthol: A battle hardened war veteran who served the old Republic as a naval officer, and later the Galactic Empire as a highly decorated admiral and moff. Moff Barthol was personally appointed by the Emperor, to lead a highly secret mission into the Unknown Regions. Moff Barthol spent more than a decade in the unknown regions, only to return to an empire in disarray.

Grand Prince Serion: Prince Serion was a former ISB Admiral and aristocrat hailing from Nacronis. In the final days of the Galactic Empire, Prince Serion played an integral part in Operation Cinder and the downfall of his homeworld Nacronis. Immediately after the destruction of Nacronis, Prince Serion staged a coup against two other unsuspecting admirals, and assumed control of their fleets, as well as the ground forces that had been stationed on Nacronis. The Prince quickly left the Nacronis system to avoid the New Republic, and made the rendezvous with Moff Barthol. Prince Serion ironically named his new army the Nacronis Protectorate.


More than three standard years have passed since the Battle of Jakku brought about the end of the Galactic Civil War.
The ensuing peace treaty between the New Republic and Imperial Remnant gave the galaxy the first true hope of peace in forty years. 

After many months, the Remnant had proved its intention to honor the Concordance. With no enemies to fight, the massive New Republic Starfleet was eventually deemed unnecessary by the Senate, and was reduced to a fraction of its wartime military strength. The message was clear: the New Republic supported every systems' right to independence and self-governance. It would not become a new authoritarian regime.

Most of the Imperial survivors did honor the treaty, respecting the boundaries of their allotted space and launching no new offensives on the Republic. But in the shadows, away from the Republic's watchful intelligence, several rogue remnants grew in secret. Bound by their desire to destroy the Republic, the remnants unified under the banner of the Imperial Triumvirate, and attracted the young, the bitter, and the zealous to their flag. The Triumvirate grew strong and conquered many star systems, until the time had come for a manifesto. A new campaign; something the galaxy could not ignore.

The Outer Rim Sieges: brutal scenes of conflict between Empire and Alliance, the worst the galaxy had seen since Jakku. Kowak, Bastion, and Telos IV were scorched by all-out warfare, and while the New Republic--heavily reinforced by allied factions--won clear victories on Bastion and Telos IV, the sieges of Kowak and Iridonia are catastrophic. On Kowak, the jungles burn with Imperial fire. Proud Iridonia is turned into so much desert rubble.

During the sieges, a Triumvirate retrieval team finally located the missing Triumvir, Moff Barthol, in the abandoned Imperial facilities of Vjun. Few know what truly happened on the remote, desolate world, but the Moff was not among the survivors.

Then it began: a shifting of the tides. 

Without warning or explanation, Imperial ships turned on one another or disappeared outright. The Imperial invasion forces became splintered and confused. Were they betrayed? Were there Republic cells inside their ranks? Was it an Imperial coup? No one had answers. The New Republic and Allied forces pressed the advantage, engaging the Triumvirate across core and colony worlds and finally landing troops on Iridonia, where they broke the invasion after three ferocious days of fighting.

The Unity, the New Republic's remaining Starhawk battleship, led a crisis fleet of freedom fighters, Mandalorians, and the Black Sun into battle against the weakened remnant. The Battle of Iridonia left the Imperial Triumvirate forever changed: a large portion of the fleet was destroyed outright, including the flagship ISD Resurrector. The invasion forces were decimated, and the survivors fled to fight another day. Over one standard week, the Imperial Triumvirate went from the most dangerous threat to in the galaxy to a routed beast, last seen fleeing into the darkness of Unknown Space.   

In the aftermath of the fight, the New Republic senate expressed deep gratitude to the many beings that risked their lives fighting against the Triumvirate. While every faction recognized the threat the Empire posed, some also took advantage of war's opportunity to gain for themselves. Regardless, the Allied forces were rewarded for their courage with the prize of a once-more broken Empire, and a once-more peaceful galaxy. 

For every being who fought, the war's end was reward enough. The Triumvirate rebuilds its strength, while the New Republic renews its commitment to securing a prosperous galaxy for all.

And billions of lives continued on thousands of worlds, in the dawn of a new era.

They were all deceived...




This topic was modified 3 years ago by Darth Bjorn

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 25/06/2022 8:48 pm
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Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader
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Rumor has it, that the downfall of the Imperial Triumvirate was no coincidence. A mere diversion to keep the eyes of the galaxy fixated, while the real threat grew stronger...

Rumor of the Emperor's Death was spreading throughout the galaxy. They did not grasp that death is not the end. The dark lord was not gone. This was all part of the dark lord's grand design. This was why the Imperial Triumvirate fell. It was not weakness, or republic wits. This was deliberate sabotage to lock the gaze of the galaxy on petty matters, while darkness grew stronger.

- Emissary of the Emperor

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 25/06/2022 9:25 pm
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