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(Organisation) New Republic Western Reaches Command

1 Posts
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The Stuartn
Posts: 216
Reputable Member New Republic 3rd Fleet
Topic starter

The New Republic Western Reaches Command was an operational command of the New Republic Navy formed after the dissolution of the Empire after the Battle of Jakku. Following the defeat of the Empire after the Battle of Endor, a vast bulk of Imperial military material and manpower was left in the Western Reaches, and the presence of significant Imperial naval assets under the control of relatively high-ranking Imperial officers presented a serious threat to the New Republic. As a consequence, the Western Reaches Command was formed in 5ABY. An expeditionary command, it was headquartered in Kinyen, and was responsible for the protection of the Great Gran Run and Spar Trade Route from pirates and Imperial commerce raiders. Upon its creation, the Command consisted to several operational fleets, including the 8th and 9th Fleets.

The Flagship of the Western Reaches Command, and the 8th Fleet, was the Andor, an MC75 Star Cruiser, and consisted of a number of EF-76 Frigates, CR-90 Corvettes and Pelta-Class auxilliary vessels. In its early years the Command saw little serious action, and the Andor was sold to the Corellian Government in 7ABY, with the rest of the 8th Fleet disbanded.


In 8ABY the Command received needed attention from the New Republic Senate, with the size and capability of the 9th Fleet expanded. The MCC175 Carrier Vengeance. Previously an auxilliary cargo ship, the vessel had undergone a refit to its fire-control, power-generation and shield systems, in order to add additional turbolaser batteries and missile emplacements, and improve the hyperdrive system. The refurbished ship was able to be utilised as an assault and command ship, and formed the new Flagship of the command. Aging EF76 Frigates were replaced with new Mark 1 assault frigates and modernised CR90 corvettes.

In 10ABY the Western Reaches Command was committed to the Bakura Campaign, where it was involved in an attack on the Czerka Corporation's Pickett Fleet. The Western Reaches Command continues to serve the New Republic, and preserve peace and tranquillity across the Galaxy!




Posted : 04/07/2022 3:19 am
Eyrezer and RocketBoy reacted