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(Organization) The New Jedi Order

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The New Jedi Order, also known simply as the Jedi Order, is the restored monastic order of the Jedi Knights, formed after the fall of the Galactic Empire. With history going back millennia, the Jedi Order is one of the oldest organizations in the galaxy. Re-founded by Luke Skywalker following the Battle of Endor, the new order is still young and comprised of less than forty Jedi Knights.

Slow to start, it was a few years after the fall of the Empire before Luke had finally gathered enough surviving Jedi and prospective students to create the first Jedi Praxeum on Yavin IV. This original class consisted of twenty students of various ages and species, including Nokori Imani, Aemos Suurm-Xachus, and Kyle Katarn. These students were guided exclusively by Skywalker himself, and the Praxeum thrived for three years, until one student, Desann, fell to the dark side and led an attack on the Praxeum in the months that followed. The attack resulted in the deaths of eight of Luke’s Jedi students.

Following this tragedy, Luke grew disillusioned with the idea of teaching a new generation of Jedi on his own. He dissolved the Praxeum and began a years long journey traveling to the edges of the galaxy in search of knowledge and wisdom.

These years saw the remaining Jedi scattered across the galaxy, where each lived out what they had learned as Jedi Knights. Some imbedded at refugee camps to help the injured and displaced, while others worked to dismantle criminal operations or battle Imperial Remnants. A few returned to their home planets in search of rest and healing.
In time, Luke returned from his sabbatical encouraged by what he had learned. He established the first Council of the new Order, and called upon his former students for their help to establish new Enclaves where a second generation of Jedi would be trained. This time, Luke declared that he would not be the only teacher; his former students would rise to the challenge of raising up new Jedi themselves. 

In 10 ABY, the Jedi gathered on Sullust for the first time in years. During the meeting they commissioned two new academies—one of which was to be on the ancient, mysterious world of Ator Hollos, discovered by Luke during his travels. The Knights that would lead each academy were carefully chosen not only for their own skill, wisdom, and knowledge, but the ways in which they might complement and help one another grow. Given their relatively limited training, Luke decided the best way forward was for the first generation Jedi Knights to rely on one another in the process of training their students, while also continuing their own studies through the use of ancient texts and holocrons. Each academy was assigned a Jedi Master for the first year to help establish the enclave.


The New Jedi Order follows the Jedi Code, as all iterations of the Order have before. It largely differs from its past equivalents by making efforts to learn from their mistakes. Unlike the rigid Order from the time of the Clone Wars, the new Order believes there is strength to be found in flexibility, both operationally and ideologically. Luke more readily draws on the wisdom of non-Jedi, and seeks to help the Jedi balance their emotions in a healthier manner than the Jedi of old, whose emotional repression, more often than not, made them more vulnerable to the dark side. Compassion and care are as much a priority as training for each Jedi.

To prevent another attack like Desann's, potential trainees are more carefully chosen, and the current locations of the Enclaves are well-kept secrets. Each Enclave is equipped with countermeasures and invasion strategies, and are well-prepared in the event of an attack.

Attachment is no longer forbidden, and Jedi are allowed to marry, but they now undergo counseling in order to help orient their perspective on their relationship and lessen the dangers such relationships can present. Jedi who were married prior to joining the order undergo this same counseling.

Seeing a correlation between the old Order's proximity to the politics of the Republic Senate and its corruption and detachment from the Force, the new Order has no official ties to the New Republic or its senate, and operates as an entirely independent group. Rather than serve the senate as lawkeepers, the Jedi seek to serve every denizen of the galaxy in truly promoting justice and peace.

Unlike in the past, members of the current Jedi Order keep their identities as Jedi close to the chest, lest they draw too much attention or become targets of one of the dozens Remnants. They more often operate in secrecy, whether undercover, or keeping to the shadows at the edge of society until it becomes useful to reveal their true nature.


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This topic was modified 2 years ago 3 times by RocketBoy

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 07/11/2022 11:00 pm
Posts: 229
Reputable Member Followers of the Force




Jun searches for evidence of the Imperial Triumvirate on Lah'mu

The Dogged Man


Lyra fights on Montitia as part of the Imperial army

Lyra: First Mission, First Mistakes


Aemos survives the assault on the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin IV

Tales of the Jedi: Attack on the Praxeum


Lyra discovers a Jedi holocron on Ilum while serving in the Imperial Security Bureau

Lyra: The path


Kyle Katarn recruits Jun Jin-Wa on Selvaris

Recruiting Jun Jin-Wa

Kyle, Jun

Luke scouts Ator Hollos for a new Jedi academy.

Prologue: Chapter I: The Myth World

Luke, Lynus

On Selvaris, Luke Skywalker invites Lyra to join the Jedi Order

Lyra: The meeting

Lyra, Luke

Jun Jin-Wa recruits Meego on Naboo.

An Unexpected Jedi; Flashback to Naboo

Jun, Meego

Luke gathers the Jedi on Sullust and commissions the Ator Hollos academy

Prologue: Chapter II: The Gathering of the Jedi

Luke, Aemos, Noko, Jun, Ma-Riki, Asa


The Jedi crash land on Ator Hollos

Book I: The Storms of Ator Hollos

Book I: Escape into Darkness

Kyle, Noko, Asa, Aemos, Ma-Riki, Meego,


Kyle Katarn is taken by the Immortals to their fortress.

The Katarn Captivity


Druffin begins his journal on the Jedi Path, detailing the march to the monastery

Druffin - 1st entry

Druffin, Jun, Meego. Katch, Lyra, Yasra, Noko, Aemos, Jamidua

Lyra explores the Zeffo tower [Just arrived at the monastery]

Lyra Lesson The Force

Lyra, Noko

Several of the Jedi return to the Godspeed to retrieve additional supplies. Jamiduais attacked by a gundark.

Druffin: A gun in the hand is worth two in the dark

Jun, Druffin, Jamidua, Lyra, Asa

Meego explores a waterfall [After a few days on Ator Hollos = It is winter]

Meego Lesson The Force

Meego, Rudy, Noko

Lyra has a vision, with a voice declaring she should never have come to Ator Hollos

Lyra Lesson Knowledge

Lyra, Noko

After a harrowing salvage mission to The Godspeed, Druffin settles into life at the monastery - with vocoder fixed and all the comforts of home

Druffin - 2nd entry


Druffin, Noko, Jawas, Lyra

Noko’s struggles with the burden of teaching students

Short Story: Nokori's Burden

Noko, Asa

Meego goes for a walk [Winter]

Meego Lesson Knowledge


Meego meditates with Aemos

Meego Lesson Self Discipline

Meego, Aemos, Lynus

Meego dreams of his home.

Flashback to Naboo (Framing scene)

Meego, Noko

Lynus and Korynn search for some breeps

Korynn Lesson Knowledge

Lynus, Korynn

Jun begins combat lessons [Second week on Ator Hollos]

Short Story: Sticking Around

Jun, Rudy

Asa and the Jawas restore a gong

Jun loans Meego his lightsaber to teach him self-discipline.

Short Story: Here, Borrow Mine

Meego Lesson Combat

Jun, Meego, Lyra, Brik

Meego, Jun, Lyra, Noko, Aemos

Druffin struggles with the isolation of Ator Hollos

Druffin: The Force

Druffin, Noko

Druffin regrets ranting to Noko

Druffin - 3rd entry

Druffin, Noko

Itacil meditates at night and spars with Jun [Full moon]

Itacil Lesson Combat

Itacil, Jun

Noko reassures Marv of his place in the Jedi Enclave

Marv Lesson Force

Marv, Noko

Jun hosts a dueling session. Lyra meets Jamidua.

Lyra Lesson Combat

Jun, Lyra, Jamidua

Lyra practices her lightsaber forms and experiences a vision. Aemos comforts her.

Lyra Lesson Self Discipline

Lyra, Aemos

Aemos repairs the Orrery, and reflects on the mysteries of the planet.

Short Story: The Observatory

Aemos, Asa, Rudy

Meego and Lynus encounter diseased beasts while on a hunt.

Meego The Hunt

Meego, Lynus

Aemos and Jun publicly argue about the merits of the old Jedi Order

Short Story: Difference of Opinion

Jun, Aemos, Noko, Lynus, Asa, Ma-Riki

Aemos tells Druffin about Jedi Knight Foul Moudama

Druffin - 4th entry



Jun and Ma-Riki master their homebrew.

Short Story: Homebrew

Ma-Riki, Lynus, Katch, Jun, Rudy, Meego

Druffin has a breakthrough with Aemos about belonging on the Jedi Path

Druffin - 5th journal entry

Druffin, Aemos

Druffin, Marv and Itacil discover the Force cave and are threatened by a raider. [After one month on Ator Hollos]

Druffin: The Cave of Knowledge

Druffin, Itacil, Marv, Jun, Aemos, Marv, Katch, Lyra, Rudy

Druffin, Marv and Itacil debrief on the Force cave

Druffin - 6th journal entry

Druffin, Marv, Itacil

Lyra and Jamidua encounter Orllggs. Noko is unhappy they are out alone.

Lyra Lesson Diplomacy

Lyra, Jamidua, Noko


Meego undergoes his first trial

Meego Trial: Skill

Meego, Aemos, Rudy

Jun confronts guards from the nearby village, believing them to be raiders

Book II | Chapter I: Unwelcome Guests

Jun, Aemos, Rudy, Noko, Lynus, Asa, Meego

Noko and her companions peacefully approach the walled village of Ossar Kolv. They are only welcomed in with the intervention of the Prophet, Oku.

Book II | Chapter II: Before the Walls of Ossar Kolv

Noko, Jun, Katch, Meego, Druffin, Lyra, Itacil

Meego sneaks away mid-procession to trade some sour milk in Ossar Kolv

Meego Lesson Diplomacy

Meego, Jun, Noko

The Jedi meet the village Elders and prepare for a ritual.

Book II | Chapter III: The Prophet of Ossar Kolv

Jun, Noko, Druffin, Meego, Lyra, Katch [Itacil]

The Jedi encounter a Blinded during a ritual to claim a villager, Sasil, as a mysterious guardian of the planet.

Book II | Chapter IV: The Chosen Few

Jun, Noko, Druffin, Meego, Lyra, Katch [Itacil]

Aemos tells Lyra she is ready to begin the Jedi trials

A change of Code

Lyra, Aemos

The Jedi on Ator Hollos all receive the same dream from a powerful entity.

The Dream


The Jedi initiates discuss the shared dream on Druffin’s birthday

Druffin - 7th journal entry

Druffin, Marv, Itacil, Lyra, Katch, Yasra, Meego, Korryn,

Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order

Posted : 07/04/2023 3:10 am
RocketBoy reacted
Posts: 478
Honorable Member Admin Followers of the Force, Faction Leader
Topic starter

The Daily Schedule of Jedi Students on Ator Hollos

Every day, initiates wake up at 5:30 to be ready for their first meditation at 6:00. Sunrise during the Spring on Ator Hollos is around 6:45, so much of the first preparation for the day is done in the dark.

They spend the rest of the morning working at chores; tending crops in the fields, collecting eggs and milk from the Monastery's livestock, and doing repairs to the building itself. Much of the portion the Jedi use is still in disrepair.
Two students help prepare breakfast each morning. This was good news when it was Jamidua, and bad news when it was Katch.

Lynus Fendri is in charge of the Monastery upkeep and the crop fields (he has tended both for two decades on his own, after all) and the teachers work alongside the students. No one is too good for chores. Doing common work helps everyone relate to people they might meet later. It also builds humility, and teaches the value of service for their community.

Everyone eats breakfast together in the monastery's dining hall, cooked by either Lynus or Ma-Riki, depending on the week. Breakfast usually consists of spiced rice, bogbeans, and eggs. Dietary needs vary among the initiates based on species, and where necessary they are prepared special meals. 

There are two kinds of days for students: study days, and training days. These alternate every other day. Each student's schedule varies from week to week to make sure everyone gets time to work together (all coordinated and processed by RU-D4). On study days, the day is spent in studies covering a vast range of subjects: history, the Force, diplomacy, archeology, medicine, warfare, languages, and more, with breaks for meditation and rest.
On training days, the hours are filled with excercise, saber technique lessons, hiking expeditions, obstacle courses, weapons practice, and sparring matches. The students eat small meals here and there instead of lunch. All three Jedi teachers rotate around these lessons, with Lynus occasionally helping with history and archeology, and Ma-Riki helping with biology, languages, and archeology. Asa teaches mechanics (with occasional unannounced help from the Jawas).
At 5:00, students have free time until dinner at 7:00 (unless they're helping prepare it.) Depending on whether they're doing studies or training that day, they'll wash either after 5:00 or after breakfast. Meditation takes place throughout the day.

The entire Enclave eats dinner together, sometimes followed by storytelling or songs from Ma-Riki, Jun, Asa, RU-DY, and occasionally Nokori. There's an evening briefing for updating the enclave on any important information, and then everyone is in their quarters by 9:30. (Unless they're one of the two stationed on watch with RU-D4.)

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 07/04/2023 4:41 pm