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Following the battle of Endor, chaos erupted on Kessel. The power that the Empire and Mining Guild held over the populace seemed to be slipping away. In order to stabilise the planet and resume spice production, a retired fleet admiral with a good family name was appointed as regent: Vetal Tiberus. House Tiberus ruled the planet Xagobah for centuries: an Imperial manufacturing hub and a monarchy, like Kessel.
With the regent’s appointment, the Imperial-Royalist Coalition relocated to Kessel. The palace was located just south of the devastated landscape that was the result of years of relentless spice mining - It was too close for comfort for many in the royal court. When King Yaruba had ruled the planet, he and his family lived in Kessel Castle, amongst the lush foliage of the planet’s southern hemisphere. Regent Vetal wanted to be closer to the source of Kessel’s wealth and took a more hands on approach to the business than his predecessor. The regent’s court resented having to breathe the same cancerous air as the slave labourers but they held their tongue in his presence, for fear of losing it.
After a long assignment in the Florn jungles, the regent’s nephew, Rak Tiberus has returned to Kessel:
“Rak my boy, how are you?”
“Well enough uncle. We lost a lot of men this time.”
“Yes, yes - terrible” the regent remarked. “Before you take your leave I’d like you to meet an old friend. We served in the Clone Wars together.
It wasn’t uncommon for the regent to entertain guests. Rak was well used to feigning politeness in front of his uncle’s friends. He turned to see an imperial officer descending down the steps towards them. The man’s face was covered but distinctly scarred, perhaps a result of the bloody Clone Wars Rak had heard all about.
“Pleased to meet you Rak, I knew your father as a younger man.”
Rak saluted and stood at attention. “Sir.”
“At ease” said the mysterious figure. “Raxum Tiberus was the best intelligence officer I ever knew. I also heard a story about you…something about leading a doomed platoon out of the jungle?”
“Each man played a role in our survival” Rak replied.
“Nevertheless, when you’ve had enough of Kessel, come see me. Any son of Raxum has a place under my wing.”
Rak recognised he was being offered a job. “Thank you sir but I have orders to ship out to Kijimi next week.”
The man fixed an eye on the regent. “I’m sure a man like Vetal Tiberus could pull a few strings…under the circumstances.”
Uncle Vetal smiled back. “Whatever the boy wants.”
Additional Shots:
Nice entry! The imperial using the two-face head is really good. The stairs are also really interesting.
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries
@darth-bjorn Thanks! I thought that head made him look appropriately sinister
Yes, nice technique on the stairs! I also appreciate the moulded archway piece at the back. Nice to see parts like that get integrated into modern builds.
Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order
Great build, and brilliant stair technique
This entry has earned 9XP
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries