A New Adventure
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[Solved] A New Adventure

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Jal and Tolli had arrived at Maz Kanata‘s Castle earlier that day and waited in a line awkwardly for 20 minutes to reach a small desk set in the recesses of a dark corner. A man with a ruddy complexion, devilish smile, and oily, slicked back hair sat behind the desk. 

“You guys looking for some work? I’ll need to see some qualifications if you may.”

“We’re looking to join,” Jal replied.

Jal reached into one of his many pockets and presented the man with a medallion. Tolli fumbled awkwardly for something and then produced a small disk from her pocket.

The man fingered the medallion. “Mmm, a Searcher perchance.”

“Was,” Jal corrected. Another man, who looked almost exactly like the one at the desk but with olive skin, passed behind the desk. 

“Oh, don’t mind him, that’s my brother.”

The figure then took the disc that Tolli had put onto the desk and inserted it into a databank. “Impressive, near the top of your class at the Telosian Academy. Well, that’s in order, welcome to the Foundation!”

“Hehe, looks like we have more misfits to add to the bunch. I’m Davish Zaro, Head of Activities by the way. Drinks are on me.” 

“Um, thanks,” Tolli said.

As they left Maz’s Castle, Jal led Tolli to a clearing in the forest inland of the lake. Embedded into a forested hill was a small ruin, it’s colouration similar to that of the castle. When they got there, Jal sat at the roots of an ancient tree, he then looked up at Tolli. 

“Well, since I’m going to be dragging you across all the known universe, I might as well see how good you are,” he said cheerfully.

“Wait, you’re, uh, serious?” she replied nervously.

“Of course, intern,” he said. “There’s a necklace that belonged to a Durosian princess hidden within these ruins.”

“Jal, so you, um, want me to, uh, find it?” she said, pointing at the mouth of the crumbling ruins.

“You’re an archaeologist, correct?” Jal replied, attempting to “raise his eyebrow” as one of the Searcher scribes had termed it, but of course, he had no eyebrows. 

A few hours later, Tolli emerged from the ruins with the necklace, making sure to duck so as to not bang her head. It had been relatively easy to find, the markings on it were that of the zhoguum and jollev leaves, both important ingredients in Jal’s favourite drink, Leivaks, a durese classic. She then stood there for a moment, realizing that something was missing, where had the duro gone?

This topic was modified 3 years ago by RocketBoy
Posted : 17/02/2022 9:21 pm
RocketBoy and starwarcam reacted
The Stuartn
Posts: 216
Reputable Member New Republic 3rd Fleet

Very nice terrain and great tree design


Posted : 17/02/2022 10:17 pm
Talus reacted
Posts: 42
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@the-stuartn Thanks!

Posted : 19/02/2022 3:52 pm
Posts: 478
Honorable Member Admin Followers of the Force, Faction Leader
Posted by: @talus

“You’re an archaeologist, correct?” Jal replied, attempting to “raise his eyebrow” as one of the Searcher scribes had termed it, but of course, he had no eyebrows. 

Hahahahaha that's so great.

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 20/02/2022 10:59 pm
Talus reacted
Posts: 56
Rising Member Mandalorian

Nice little vignette, Its nice to see trees in a different colour to reflect bark etc.
A great little story in support

Posted : 21/02/2022 12:51 pm
Talus reacted
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader

I get the use of grey for the trunks, but it just feels more like rock to me. Other than that - nice textures, and solid little entry.

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 05/03/2022 1:34 pm
Talus reacted
Posts: 478
Honorable Member Admin Followers of the Force, Faction Leader

[Admin] This post has scored 7 XP

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 09/03/2022 4:27 am