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Some months had passed since Director General Sio Antilles had lost contact with the child on Nubia. While the CorSec stabilisation mission had managed to rid the planet of the Imperials, and had transferred the planet to the New Republic, much had changed, with the intelligence officer now transferred to the New Republic himself. This presented an opportunity: the New Republic government had organised a leaders summit on the capital Chandrila, and as it so happened a certain Imperial agent, who had gotten the better of Sio on Nubia was going to be present, according to the Bothan spynet. What could be called an 'extrajudicial warrant', had been secured from the Office of New Republic Intelligence, and some New Republic 'diplomats' were going to pay a cordial visit to their Imperial contemporaries. . .
Night shot:
Secondary shot:
Thank you for viewing, comments and feedback welcome as always!
This is great, I really like the Imperial building, captures the aesthetic perfectly!
The night shot creates such a cool silhouette of the K2 droid (although i think that shot did not embed, or at least it didnt for me)
Beautiful building!
ARGO Industries employee
@starwarcam thank you, I had trouble imbedding those, I tried flickr first, then bricksafe, but only one bricksafe image ended up working
Architecture, and the overall color scheme is really different. I'm getting an early 90s PC game vibe from it. 👍
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries
[Admin] Your post has scored 13 XP
Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order