All it takes for ev...
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All it takes for evil to prevail is for good aliens to do nothing...

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All it takes for evil to prevail is for good aliens to do nothing...

In the shadow of mossy statues, three shapes huddled; an odd mix - one very tall, a hulking and furred Tal; one short and squat, a portulent Ortolan; and the third of average height, a scarred Hybolan. A short step in front of them was a shallow pool. An empty stormtrooper helmet floated on its surface as the stain of blood slowly mixed with the otherwise clear water. 

"That was the easy part, my friends," Aemos the Hyboan said, his gaze not pausing even for a moment over the assorted bodies of an Imperial squad. "The hard part, I can sense like a dark stain amidst these ancient ruins."

Next to him, the Talz looked up at the statue next to him. It was a female Jedi, one arm broken and chipped with the passage of time, while to her left squatted a tridactyl in apparent meditation. The third and final statue depicted a Dai Bendu, one of the ancient precursors the Jedi Order. 

[This was sacred ground, Aemos. It is deeply saddening that such evil should visit this temple.] A rich baritone voice translated the Talz' high-pitched hoots before trio fell silent.

Slowly, with all the confidence and swagger in the world, emerged three figures. Two wore dark robes but the third wore grimy rags, two fat lekku twiching over the Twi'lek's chest. The Twi'lek sneered, showing jagged teeth. 

"So, Aemos, after the bloodbaths on Ithor and Obroa-Skai, still you come back for more - I am impressed!" The Twi'lek ignited a red lightsaber and casually singed  the grasses around his feet.

"That fall must have done more damage to your thick skull than I'd thought, if you claim Ithor as a victory, Boc," retorted Aemos.

The Twi'lek licked his lips. "So arrogant the Jedi, always assuming you are the main show. While you and I had our practice spar, Shara Do-ta here," he gestured at a pale human beside him, "was rounding up the Ithorian younglings - or did your prescience miss that? And Yun took those Ho'Din children on Obroa-Skai. I should say, Oojee is taking very well to her training at the Shadow Academy. At least after I trimmed off one of her head tendrils. She told me to say 'Hello there' were we to cross paths again..."

Aemos wasn't prepared to waste any more time being insulted by Boc. "Druffin, Tek - remember our training, remember why we are here. If we survived the flames of Ator Hollos we can survive here."

With those simple words, the Jedi closed on the dark Jedi. This might be their last stand, watched over by the ancient Jedi of all, but at least they would stand tall against the gathering darkness.

Build notes

FF use a "Force nexus" asset for 2 x IP on this build.

The combatants for the Jedi are Aemos Suurm-Xachus the Hybolan Jedi instructor from Ator Hollos; Druffin the Talz initiate-cum-Jedi Knight from my NJO stories; and Tek Goodo the Ortolan from The Devil on My MindGiven the Twilight Force collab was iced by the Victory objective, I'm using this story to tie those threads together - including the poor Ho'Din youngling that escaped Lothal in A Gift Fit for a Queen, only to be later recaptured by the Crimson Empire.

This build features two play mechanisms. One uses a splat gear and the other used a PoweredUp motor to animate the lightsaber duels. The splat gear is here (link) and the motor is here (link).


I hope you enjoy!

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Posted : 22/10/2023 9:23 am
RocketBoy reacted
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Posted : 24/10/2023 10:38 pm
Posts: 478
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So beautiful! I just love the use of lime, the verticality, all of it. The statues are brilliant.

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 25/10/2023 9:47 pm