Ambush on Scipio
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Ambush on Scipio

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Nutttter Butttter
Posts: 21
Rising Member Pentastar Alignment
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A searing pain pulsed through Navik like an icy finger. It trickled down his neck, causing him to shiver uncontrollably. He should have come prepared for the inevitable. Scipio had seemed like a treat for the Naval Lieutenant, time on a snowy scape with an imperial cache of credits. Almost a dream. Almost.


What command did not say, and Navik should have realised, is that where there are credits there will be pirates. This of course was the case for Scipio, being home to the Banking Clan. 


The pirates, if only a few, were a force to be reckoned with. They weaved through the icy spires and frosted rocks like rats in a sewer, dodging the blaster barrage from above the mountain. The sunlight almost seemed unnatural contrasted with the frozen peaks, blinding the soldiers as they peered over the crates of credits and down the mountain towards the pirates. 


They were losing badly. Most of his squad had succumbed to frostbite due to poor training, the few who had managed to fight were struggling to compete with the scum. 

“Take cover!” Navik heard himself demand without thought.

A bomb shell pummelled into a snowy mound beside the credit cache, exploding a nearby ice spike. Then he got an idea. If they could cause enough problems for the pirates, they would be confused, possibly even run. But how could they concuss them? The ice.

“Fire at the ice!” He commanded over the gunfire.

“Cause an avalanche!”

The stormtroopers obliged, swiftly blasting the spires into frozen shrapnel.


It rained down the mountain, covering the pirates in a thick coat of frost. It was enough to confuse them for a moment, blinded by the sharp, knife-like, shards which had propelled into them.


Yelps and screams echoed up the mountain as the squad shot down the remaining pirates. They attempted to scatter back to their transport shuttle, but the V-Wing patrol obliterated their escape attempt with ease.

“We have them on the run sir.” An Ensign reported to Navik, shivering and teeth chattering. “Only a few remain.”

“Whip them out. All of them.” Navik responded, peering through his macrobinoculars. “Whip their scum from the galaxy.”

Posted : 08/04/2023 8:15 pm
Posts: 231
Reputable Member Bryx Security Bureau

Nice blend of rock work into the build and blaster fire! Sick story too!

Posted : 10/04/2023 2:54 am
Spud The Viking
Posts: 322
Reputable Member Akko Missions Faction Leader

Nice build! The story is well written, looking forward to more action with these characters!

Leader of Akko Missions | GM

Posted : 12/04/2023 8:41 am
Spud The Viking
Posts: 322
Reputable Member Akko Missions Faction Leader

This entry has earned 8 XP

Leader of Akko Missions | GM

Posted : 24/04/2023 1:27 pm