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It was a fine day on Aesolian and Razo was looking forwards to a nice cup of tea and then an afternoon hike at the picturesque cliffs. That however quickly changed as he drank his first sip.
“Join the Empire! See new worlds! Help us reclaim order and stability! Join today!”
Razo frowned, not another one of those bloody heralds poster-boying for that dead imperium. He immediately put his cup of tea back on his kitchen counter and then got all of his kit together.
“I’ll show him order and stability,” Razo muttered as he tapped the door button with his blaster’s muzzle.
“Oh?” the herald said enthusiastically. “Here to join the Empire? I’ll need you to fill out this form!”
“No, you can keep the karfing paperwork you bantha” he said, nodding with satisfaction towards the dead body, then went back inside to finish his tea.
The Wall
It shows that you are practicing many different techniques. Rockwork, freeform, and snot. Keep at it - it's a pretty little scene. 🙂
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries
[Admin] This post has scored 7 XP.
Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order