Animosity Between B...
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Animosity Between Brothers

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Comander Rovern
Posts: 80
Trusted Member Crim Empire
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On the Planet of Ziost

It was the Seventh day of the Three-week survival challenge on Ziost. Most Students of the Shadow Academy were fairing pretty well despite the conditions; only a few had succumbed to this harsh world. However, the ways of the Sith are unpredictable and fighting would soon ensue at one of the few and far between supply drops.


*Crunch, Crunch* (Footsteps in snow) 


"Oh, I'm starving. Thank the galaxy that we finally made it here. It looks like the supplies are untouched.", thought Ziblue as he embarked on a supply drop. "Hmm, I sense something." Reaching for his lightsaber he looked to his right and out of nowhere, a big hulking Trandoshian came running at him through the snow. He remembered him from the shuttle drop; he was quieter however on the shuttle than he was now. 

"Timesss to diesss!"


"Finally, some fun!" Exclaimed Ziblue. Uncliping his lightsaber, he activated it and as the hmm of the blood-red blade started, the Trandoshian was already within melee range. 


"Your sword is not a match for my blade bastard!" 

"Thatss would be ifff itsss wasss a normal bladess. This is Beskarsss though foolsss." 


"Then it won't last more than ten seconds bastard." Said Siblue pridefully. 


"Thatss alls I needsss." The Trandoshian moved the blade with ease and within eight seconds it was between Ziblue's ribs. "Thatss pride willsss be your downfallss, pride comesss before the downfallsss."

Looking at the bounty of his kill, Trash cracked open the lightsaber, took the crystal out, and added it to his collection of pendants from his former kills. "Thissss, willsss be funsss", ended Thrash... 



From Left to Right: Ziblue,  Trash

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Hello People! This was a small build to help us wrap up Ziost! Was super fun to build and loved building the snow stuff. It kind of just flowed and I couldn't control where it went! Defiantly think that this one of my better builds and look forward to advancing in the future! Hail the Empress!

Posted : 03/08/2023 6:40 pm
Darth Bjorn
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Posted : 21/08/2023 7:27 pm