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[Solved] Assault On Imperial Research Facility!

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Reputable Member Bryx Security Bureau
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Officer Sam is tasked with leading a small group of Republic commandos to attack the facility, that has been linked to all of his leads and problems. After talking to the Senator, and talking to some of his men sent on missions, he realizes he has to end it here. The Imperial Facility has a skeleton crew tasked with working and guarding the base. A group of Imperial scientists run experiments there on a type of creature that is native to the planet. It is one of last big Imperial facilities and bases of operations for the Empire. Sam knows that something bad is going on there, and that he is being sent there to find out what it is. 



"Me and my men decide to take the guards by surprise". "We run towards the base with our blasters ready, during a guard change". "By the time we fire a few shots a few of the stormtroopers are already dead". "especially near the hangar and entrance door". "They are surprised to see us, but a Scout Trooper does end up sounding the alarm". "The rest of the troops all take cover in the hangar and prepare for a long fire fight"."It looks like the Scout Troopers have just returned from a patrol as well, they look weary and tired". "This will make everything easier".


Facility Layout:

Terrain: The terrain is a mix of patches of water, with tan dirt surrounding them. A couple rocks dot the landscape, with a few patches of plants. It is pretty much like a swamp. A door with a keypad leads into the rest of the facility. 
Hangar: The hangar consists of two speeder bikes, that the Scout Troopers use to patrol the area. There are many types of crates, some that carry supplies/ammunitions, and some that carry important minerals and substance for the research at the facility. One door with a keypad gives access to the rest of the facility. There is also an alarm that can be used to put the whole facility on lockdown, or notify everyone. 
Hallway: The hallway is made up of Imperial styled walls, and a tiled floor, just like everything else. Two Imperial Science Guards are prepared for some sort of intruders our combat here. 
Science Lab: Three scientists, including a lead scientist are working on an important experiment. One of the scientists is operating some panels, will another is checking values on some panels. They are both near generators that use a special type of substance formed specific minerals from the planet of Commenor. The generators convert the substance into a form of gas that is then sprayed at the creature located in the tank. The lead scientist and another Imperial Science guard are watching the experiment happen and making sure everything goes to plan. The creature is screeching and suffering through the experiment as the gas is sprayed around the tank, and at it. The gas is supposed to make the creature stronger, smarter, and more aggressive. 
Command Center: Some technicians of the Empire are working on operating the base and giving power for the generators to perform the experiment. The lead lieutenant goes to present information to the commanders and officers, while a special technician takes over giving order to the others. The walls have panels and so does a table. Three officers are located around a hologram table, receiving a hologram from a superior asking about progress based off the experiment. One officer is in charge of the facilities troopers and defenses (the Tank Driver). Another is just an officer in charge of the bases upkeep and information (Scared one). While the white alien officer is in charge of science and experiments at the lab. They are meeting and discussing findings with themselves and their superior. Two Death Troopers guard the door leading to outside of the base and are prepared to defend the officers from any trouble. 
This topic was modified 2 years ago by Darth Bjorn
Posted : 25/08/2022 4:06 pm
Darth Bjorn
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Posted : 15/10/2022 12:11 pm