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[Battle Pack LTC] Sith Purebloods Battle Pack

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Ninja Nin
Posts: 24
Rising Member Crim Empire
Topic starter

There were many questions about such rapid rise of the Crim Empire throughout the galaxy. Specifically due to its massive research carried out on Korriban about the history of the ancient Sith Empire. Rumour had it the Sith Purebloods were found and they aided the conquests.

The minifigs include a Sith Sorcerer, a Sith Juggernaut and two Sith Warriors.

The build is a small three-legged walker, inspired by an unidentified Sith Empire walker.

Sith Empire Walker


Thank you for reading.


Posted : 20/09/2023 5:28 pm
Posts: 478
Honorable Member Admin Followers of the Force, Faction Leader

This is awesome, very old republic.

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 23/10/2023 9:58 pm
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader

This entry has earned 17XP

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 24/10/2023 9:57 pm