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[Battlepack LTC] Reinforcing Caamas

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Trusted Member Haelos Star Yards
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  Hayk led his troops forward. His reconnaissance had determined the presence of Crimson Empire operatives on Caamas, but now came the time for the Mando'ade to take the battle to the enemy. Aided by a squad of Beskar'ade troopers, droids plated in precious beskar metal, he pressed on to the objective. In various regions of the world, the 'Crimpire' and it's allies had set up internment camps to contain the local Caamasi and immigrated Ithorian populations. The council had tasked him and Fal Rook with breaking in to a number of camps, both to get humanitarian aid to the locals, but also to hinder the various Remnants' inhumane treatment of these people.

  Fal Rook spoke with fervent determination.

  'I'm putting the besilik into scanning mode. If it sees any white helmets on the radar, my pet here will fill them with laserbolts.'

  Fal Rook was the curator of antiquities at the New Sundari Museum of History and Arts. One of the newest acquisitions for the museum had been an ancient Basilisk War Droid from ages long past. It had been a very powerful weapon, and symbol of Mandalorian strength in wars that spanned many worlds, and Curator Fal was well known for his policy of using the ancient Mandalorian artifacts that came into the museum. He always told Hayk that these things were too important to their peoples' history to sit in some fancy building, gathering dust.

  Hayk looked up at the curious museum-keeper in amusement. 'I'm sure there will be new songs sung of Bessy -- on both sides of this war.'




Posted : 18/09/2023 3:01 am
Posts: 478
Honorable Member Admin Followers of the Force, Faction Leader

The way the legs are done is not for me, they look all clompy and goofy to me, but I really love the Basilisk-inspired mount. Great job!

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 23/10/2023 9:50 pm
Darth Bjorn
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GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 24/10/2023 10:24 pm