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[Battlepack LTC][M9 - Sochi - MA] What Imps do on Vacation

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On a world unfriendly to the Mandalorian, deep cover agent, Shelly, has been able to document the activities of Imperial sympathizers - specifically the retired Inquistor Puerh Kegel (who only avoided capture by the New Republic because of a clerical error in the spelling of his title) and his wife We'ek Kegol (suspected Dathomirian witch).

Their tube speeder, an Endoscope-class EZ Speeder, is not suspicious at all as far as Imperial speeders go. 

Aside from the constant battle reenactments and Stormtrooper Pride events, the activities on Sochi don't give Shelly too much to report about. The Mandalorians have long since known about the proclivities of vacationing Imperials to farm animals, and have offered Shelly extreme hazard pay for her services to the clans of Mandalore.

Posted : 29/09/2023 3:35 pm
Posts: 113
Trusted Member Red Moons Faction Leader
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Posted : 29/09/2023 4:54 pm
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Just fantastic, I love the smooth round shapes.

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Posted : 23/10/2023 10:09 pm
Darth Bjorn
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Posted : 24/10/2023 10:28 pm