Bespin: The Hall of...
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[Solved] Bespin: The Hall of Heroes

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Previously: The Miners of MontitiaLest We Forget: The Montitian Extraction; Epilogue: Ringing Silence

Bespin: The Hall of Heroes

Every five years, the alumni of Lehilt College, Theed University, met for a reunion and fundraiser. This year's venue was Cloud City, Bespin; the cause? The Free Systems Refugee Initiative. For Bindi, it was a welcome respite from the grit and rust of her recent work bringing fringe worlds such as Montitia into the fold of the Free Colonies. Here, surrounded by wealth and class, she felt in her element. She made a fashionably late entrance to the gala, pausing for a moment atop the stairs to the Hall of Heroes as though looking for a friend. Really, she wanted everyone to see and admire her Alderaanian silk gown; its demure colour highlighting her traditional facial tattoos.

The Mirialan worked the room with ease, reacquainting herself with friends and peers. She spoke with the Duros dowager Donducha Lehilt, a stalwart supporter of the Pentastar Alignment and a bit of a bore, but she did own the college; exchanged barely veiled insults with the Falleen Affe - once the top actuary student in Theed, Affe was (credibly) believed to have spent time as a Black Sun vigo, although was now rumoured to have gone rogue with pirates - and traded gossip with the Shistavanen senator, Lady Tyvia, on the latest Consortium sorties into contested space. 

While taking a break from networking to study the hall's marble sculptures of mythic heroes, Bindi was surprised to be approached by a golden-skinned woman. She thought she recognised the woman's species as Firrerreo, but the woman herself was unfamiliar. She had no memory of her from previous reunions, let alone as a student on Naboo. 

" Lady Bindi, I ... I need a favour," the woman said softly, glancing cautiously around. Reaching for Bindi's hand, she pressed a small datacard into her palm. 

Bindi was too polished to let her surprise show or the use of her title soften her countenance. "I'm sorry - have we met before?"

"I need you to get this to Dracos, urgently. It's a matter of life or death."

Well, this evening just got more interesting...

"This isn't exactly Dracos' scene. He'd stick out like... well, in every way. You're going to have to give me more to go on than that."

Bindi matched the woman's volume while her eyes scanned the room. The striking green eyes of the 'Pirate Queen' were watching but so too were the blue orbs of a stunning, tall Sephi woman; and had that heavily-mascaraed Theelin hastily glanced away guiltily? Very interesting, indeed...

The Mirialan raised her glass in toast to Affe across the room, simultaneously sliding the datacard into a hidden pocket in her gown.

"How do you know my colleague? He's not often one for galas."

With the datacard out of sight implying Bindi was on side, the Firrerreo seemed to relax a touch. "As he would say, 'we've spent some time in the same neck of the woods'."

"Ha! That sounds like the sort of obtuse agricultural metaphor he'd use..." With a slight nod, Bindi left her mystery guest and sought out another cocktail. While she had many unanswered questions, the hall was too public to get to the bottom of it. She'd pursue the conversation after the dinner was over in a more private spot.


Build notes

  • This build has a seed part of sorts. I received a LEGO Pencil at a LUG meeting and wanted to try and incorporate it into a build. It's there on the right. 
  • I also took inspiration for the entrance from this image:

Extra shots

Extra shots

Hope you enjoy!

This topic was modified 3 years ago by RocketBoy

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Posted : 13/05/2022 9:22 am
Simulterious reacted
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Looks great!  The outfits are wonderful

Posted : 13/05/2022 7:39 pm
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