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Beware the power of a bursting dam

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Druffin climbed the coarse stone stairs of one of the monastery’s towers. A chill wind swept in through the tall arched windows that lined the corridor. Normally, Druffin appreciated the cool breeze, which reminded him of the crisp air of his snowy homeworld; for some reason, not so this evening. Instead, it triggered the hackles of his neck fur.

The last time he’d climbed these stairs to visit Jedi instructor Aemos, he’d felt despondent, frustrated, stagnant. His training had seemed to have plateaued. 

The Jedi on Ator Hollos were trying out gliders to enable them to travel further on the planet and widen their search net for missing Jedi Master Kyle Katarn. The gliders were a brilliant design, the brain child of mechanic and all-round handyman Asa. The gliders used Ator Hollos’ strong winds but the real secret was using the Force to control the vessels.

Druffin had enjoyed some initial success with the Force, but had stalled. He’d turned to Aemos, one of the three Jedi instructors at the Enclave and the one who’d previously helped Druffin with his self-discipline.

Aemos had passed on some advice - ancient Jedi wisdom. He spoke passionately of how the Force was like a braided river, meandering left and right within a large valley; many mini streams and tributaries that spread the water; dispersing its strength and its power.

“You must begin to braid the river,” Aemos had advised, his eyes steely and determined. “Braid the Force tightly; channel it into deeper and deeper streams; then its strength, its power, its ability to wear down even the mightiest mountain will be available to you. Eventually, with enough strength and willpower, those braided rivers will run as straight and true and level as the mighty aqueducts of Serenno, powering a deep, deep connection to the Force.”

“I believe in you, Druffin. Begin to braid the rivers, feel the wind beneath you. Fly like one of the birds of Hybola soaring on the wind; dipping and rising on the updraught. I believe in you, Druffin, and so does the Force!”

Aemos had been almost breathless as he ended his monologue.

It was a new approach for Druffin. In his meditations, Master Nokori had encouraged him to focus on allowing the Force to flow through him. He worked to still his emotions and become a peaceful conduit for the Force. 

This approach, though new, worked. He focused on the Force. He could almost sense its different ebbs and flows; deep currents and violent eddies. Druffin worked to pull them together, straighten them. It worked. 

His glider took off, he was even able to circumnavigate Old Mother, the mighty mountain peak on which the monastery was perched. Delighted, Druffin couldn’t wait to share his breakthrough with Aemos.

Druffin paused for a moment at the door to the Orrery, fighting the enthusiastic urge to burst in on Aemos. The Hybolan would approve of a more measured approach, emotions well controlled. He took several deep breaths, staring out the windows and taking in an epic sunset over the mountain range. He then confidently pushed open the door.

Aemos stood in the middle of the room. His back was to Druffin and his hood pulled over his head. He didn’t seem to hear when Druffin entered, but that wasn’t unusual for the intense Master Sturm-Xachus.

Before Druffin could speak, Master Aemos swayed and muttered something. This didn’t seem right.

Aemos moaned, a touch louder: “No, brother, no. I’m coming for you.”

Druffin stepped in front of the Jedi instructor. What the hell? Some kind of a trance? Aemos didn’t react, his eyes appearing vacant and unfocused. The Talz initiate wasn’t sure what to do. Wake Aemos up? With some kind of force vision, could that be dangerous?

“Quick, Raegus,” cried Aemos again. He lurched forward, furred hands swinging. It was then that Druffin noticed clutched in one of the Hybolan’s sweaty paws a book - a real-to-life, goddamn book - flimsi-plast pages crumpling under a tight grip.

It seemed for a moment that Aemos came to; his eyes focused on Druffin in front of them. He smiled, canine teeth protruding. He stepped forward to embrace the Talz.

“Brother, quick! We’ve got to get away from these usurpers! How dare they conspire to snatch the throne?” 

Standing stiffly, Druffin felt something akin to an electric shock course through his body when the Hybolan touched him. The Talz’ four eyes snapped shut, and yet he could see. He was standing next to Aemos, waist deep in cold murky water, and it was dark, very dark. It seemed they were in a tunnel or sewer. His eyes stung as gritty smoke began to irritate them.

“Aemos! What’s the sithspit’s going on?” he yelled.

The Hybolan’s lip curled back exposing his canines. He growled and slammed his forearm into Druffin’s throat, knocking him tumbling down to the ground.

Druffin’s head hit stone hard. His eyes snapped back open - he was back in the Orrery; back on Ator Hollos; back under the piercing glare of the toughest Jedi instructor at the enclave.

Druffin felt fear…

“Don’t you tell anyone about this, you hear?” commanded Aemos, a small tickle of blood emerging from his nose. Only when Druffin awkwardly nodded agreement did the Hybolan ease the pressure on his throat.

“Master, I… I don’t even know what ‘this’ is.”

Aemos pursed his lips. Carefully placing the tattered book on a bench beside him, the instructor placed both palms on Druffin’s shoulders and straightened the wiry fur there. 

“Work harder and perhaps one day you’ll come close to earning the right to know. But you’re way too inexperienced - despite all the extra mentoring I’ve been giving you. You couldn’t even control your mind for that simple meditation exercise now, could you? Back to basics for you before I give you any more special training.”

With that, the Hybolan pulled Druffin back to the doorway to the Orrery and almost shoved him outside, despite the Talz’ superior height and weight.

Druffin caught his breath, slumped against the now closed and bolted orrery door. In mere moments he’d gone from jubilant about his progress controlling the Force to belittled and embarrassed at Aemos’ harsh words.  

Back to basics? Meditation? He’d just had a breakthrough with the Braided River and now Aemos had cut him off before he could even share his achievements. Druffin chose to skip his scheduled gardening duties and instead process what he’d done wrong.

Build notes

This scene takes place in and around the Orrery, created by Sam. I borrowed much of the design language if you will for this scene, so much of the credit goes to him.



Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order

Posted : 21/05/2024 8:48 am
Ewok07 reacted
Captain Havok
Posts: 140
Reputable Member Bryx Security Bureau Faction Leader

Lovely build, Danny. That immersive shot is so atmospheric!

Bryx Security Bureau | Faction Leader

Posted : 22/05/2024 1:42 pm